Blog rules – Uso de la Web

The Mindtimeshare blog is meant to be for Timeshare Owner / User who are looking for information about the different dubious Companies that might have contacted them.

The comment section is for those who want to share their experience with us and other consumers. Consumers can raise questions, ask for advice or simply describe their experience.

As all comments published fall under the responsibility of the Mindtimeshare Administrator we have taken the right to monitor each comment and edit, or delete where we feel necessary.

We kindly ask our visitors for  their cooperation in this matter and to moderate their language.

Comments from employees or owners of the companies mentioned on the blog will not be published.

Comments that contain offensive language or statements or offensive words such as scam, con, fraud, etc. are also taken out due to legal implications.

Mindtimeshare does not enter in discussion about the comments that have not been published.





Las presentes condiciones generales de uso (en adelante CGU), regulan el acceso y el uso del Website bajo el dominio adelante Website), titularidad de “MINDTIMESHARE, S.L.U.” (en adelante MINDTIMESHARE), puesto a disposición de los usuarios (en adelante Usuario/s).

Ante cualquier duda o consulta relacionada con la utilización y acceso al Website o de las presentes CGU, puede contactar con nosotros a través de los datos de contacto publicados en el Aviso Legal.


La utilización del Website supone la aceptación plena por el Usuario de las CGU vigentes en cada momento en que el Usuario acceda al mismo. Por lo que éste si no está de acuerdo con cualquiera de las condiciones aquí establecidas deberá abstenerse de usar este Website.

En consecuencia, el Usuario debe leer con atención las CGU cada vez que se proponga utilizar el Website.

En todo caso, MINDTIMESHARE se reserva el derecho de modificar, sin previo aviso y en cualquier momento las CGU. Asimismo,MINDTIMESHARE se reserva el derecho de suspender, interrumpir o dejar de operar el Website en cualquier momento.

Por“utilización del Website”, se entiende a todo Usuario que acceda y navegue por el Website independientemente de que cumplimente los formularios de registro.


El acceso al Website y/o a los Contenidos incluidos en el mismo no implica ningún tipo de garantía respecto a la idoneidad del Website y/o de los Contenidos incluidos en el mismo para fines particulares o específicos de los Usuarios.

MINDTIMESHARE podrá establecer limitaciones y/o condiciones adicionales para el uso y/o acceso al Website y/o a los Contenidos, las cuales deberán ser observadas por los Usuarios en todo caso.

3.1- Acceso y Uso del Website.

Salvo que se disponga otra cosa, el uso del Website tendrá carácter gratuito, sin perjuicio del coste de conexión a través de la correspondiente red de telecomunicaciones que tenga contratada el Usuario.

El Usuario reconoce ser mayor de dieciocho años, asimismo es consciente y acepta voluntaria y expresamente que el uso del Website se realiza en todo caso bajo su única y exclusiva responsabilidad.

El Usuario se obliga al cumplimiento de las CGU, así como a cumplir las especiales advertencias o instrucciones contenidas en el Website y a obrar siempre conforme a la ley, a las buenas costumbres y a las exigencias de la buena fe, empleando su máxima en atención teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza y contraprestación del servicio del que disfruta. A tal efecto, se abstendrá de utilizar el Website de cualquier forma que pueda impedir, dañar o deteriorar el normal funcionamiento del mismo, los bienes o derechos de MINDTIMESHARE, sus proveedores, sus distribuidores, el resto de Usuarios o en general de cualquier tercero.

Concretamente y sin que ello implique restricción alguna a la obligación asumida por el Usuario con carácter general de conformidad con el apartado anterior, el Usuario se obliga en la utilización del Website:

  1. a) A no introducir, almacenar o difundir en o desde el Website, cualquier información o material que sea difamatorio, injurioso, obsceno, amenazador, xenófobo, pornográfico, de apología al terrorismo, incite a la violencia, a la discriminación por razón de raza, sexo, ideología, religión o que de cualquier forma atente contra la forma, el orden público, los derechos fundamentales, las libertades públicas, el honor, la intimidad o la imagen de terceros y en general la normativa vigente.
  2. b) A no introducir, almacenar o difundir mediante el Website ningún programa de ordenador, datos, virus, código, o cualquier otro instrumento o dispositivo electrónico o físico que sea susceptible de causar daños en el Website, en cualquiera de los servicios, o en cualquiera de los equipos, sistemas o redes de MINDTIMESHARE, de cualquier Usuario, de los Proveedores o Distribuidores de MINDTIMESHARE o en general de cualquier tercero, capaz de causar cualquier tipo de alteración o impedir el normal funcionamiento de los mismos.
  3. c) A no introducir, almacenar o difundir mediante el Website cualquier contenido que infrinja las normas de propiedad intelectual, industrial o derechos de terceros, ni en general ningún contenido del cual no ostentara, de conformidad con la ley, el derecho a ponerlo a disposición de terceros.

3.2- Acceso y Uso de los Contenidos.

Los Contenidos del Website son puestos a disposición del Usuario con información procedente tanto de fuentes propias como de terceros.

MINDTIMESHARE procura que los Contenidos sean de la mayor calidad posible y estén razonablemente actualizados, pero no garantiza la utilidad, exactitud, exhaustividad, pertinencia y/o actualidad de los Contenidos.


Mediante estas CGU no se cede ningún derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial sobre el Website ni sobre ninguno de sus elementos integrantes, quedando expresamente prohibidos al Usuario la reproducción, transformación, distribución, comunicación pública, puesta a disposición, extracción, reutilización, reenvío o la utilización de cualquier naturaleza, por cualquier medio o procedimiento, de cualquiera de ellos, salvo en los casos en que esté legalmente permitido o sea autorizado por el titular de los correspondientes derechos.

El Usuario podrá visualizar y obtener una copia privada temporal de los Contenidos para su exclusivo uso personal y privado en sus sistemas informáticos (software y hardware), siempre que no sea con la finalidad de desarrollar actividades de carácter comercial o profesional. El Usuario deberá abstenerse de obtener, o intentar obtener, los Contenidos por medios o procedimientos distintos de los que en cada caso se hayan puesto a su disposición o indicado al efecto o de los que se utilicen habitualmente en Internet (siempre que estos últimos no entrañen un riesgo de daño o inutilización del Website). El Usuario deberá respetar en todo momento todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial sobre el Website, de titularidad de MINDTIMESHARE o de terceros.


4.1.- Exclusión de Garantías y Responsabilidad por el Funcionamiento del Website.

MINDTIMESHARE no garantiza la disponibilidad y continuidad del funcionamiento del Website y de los servicios o Contenidos ofrecidos en el mismo, ni que el contenido existente en su Website se encuentre actualizado, quedando exonerado de toda responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que puedan originarse por tales circunstancias.

MINDTIMESHARE llevará a cabo, siempre que no concurran circunstancias que lo hagan imposible o de difícil ejecución y tan pronto tenga noticias de los errores, desconexiones y/o falta de actualización de los contenidos, todas aquellas labores tendentes a subsanar los errores, restablecer la comunicación y/o actualizar los referidos contenidos.

Asimismo, MINDTIMESHARE no garantiza ni la fiabilidad técnica de su Website, ni el acceso a sus distintas páginas, quedando de la misma forma exonerado de toda responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que puedan originarse por esta causa.

Además,MINDTIMESHARE no se hace responsable de los posibles errores o deficiencias de seguridad que pudieran producirse por la utilización por parte del Usuariode un navegador de una versión no actualizada o insegura en el navegador o de los daños, errores o inexactitudes que pudieran derivarse del mal funcionamiento del mismo.

Con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de introducción de virus en el Website, utiliza programas de detección de virus para controlar todos los Contenidos que introduce en el Website. No obstante, MINDTIMESHARE no garantiza la ausencia de virus, ni de otros elementos en el Website introducidos por terceros ajenos a MINDTIMESHARE que puedan producir alteraciones en los sistemas físicos o lógicos de los usuarios o en los documentos electrónicos y ficheros almacenados en sus sistemas. En consecuencia, MINDTIMESHARE no será en ningún caso responsable de cualesquiera daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que pudieran derivarse de la presencia de virus u otros elementos que puedan producir alteraciones en los sistemas físicos o lógicos, documentos electrónicos o ficheros de los Usuarios.

MINDTIMESHARE adopta diversas medidas de protección para proteger el Website, los datos recabados y los Contenidos contra ataques informáticos de terceros. No obstante, MINDTIMESHARE no garantiza que terceros no autorizados puedan tener acceso al tipo de uso o navegación del Website que hace el Usuario o las condiciones, características y circunstancias en las cuales se efectúa. En consecuencia, MINDTIMESHARE no será en ningún caso responsable de los daños y perjuicios que pudieran derivarse de dicho acceso no autorizado.

MINDTIMESHARE no se hará responsable en ningún caso del uso que los usuarios y/o terceros pudieran hacer del Website o los Contenidos, ni de los daños y perjuicios que pudieran derivarse del mismo.

4.2.- Exclusión de Garantías y de Responsabilidad por los Contenidos.

MINDTIMESHARE no edita los Contenidos de terceros publicados en el Website y, en consecuencia, no garantiza ni se hace responsable de la licitud, fiabilidad, utilidad, veracidad, exactitud, exhaustividad y actualidad de dichos Contenidos, así como tampoco de los Contenidos titularidad de MINDTIMESHARE. MINDTIMESHARE no será en ningún caso responsable de cualesquiera daños y perjuicios que pudieran derivarse de: (i) la falta de licitud, veracidad, exactitud, exhaustividad y/o actualidad de los Contenidos originados por terceros y suyos propios; (ii) la inadecuación para cualquier propósito y la defraudación de las expectativas generadas por los Contenidos; (iii) decisiones o acciones tomadas o evitadas por parte del usuario confiando en la información o datos facilitados o proporcionados en los Contenidos, incluyendo sin limitación la pérdida de beneficios u oportunidades empresariales.


Aquellas personas que se propongan establecer hiperenlaces entre su página Web y el Website deberán observar y cumplir las condiciones siguientes:

  1. i) No será necesaria autorización previa cuando el Hiperenlace permita únicamente el acceso a la página de inicio del Website, pero no podrá reproducirla de ninguna forma. Cualquier otra forma de Hiperenlace requerirá la autorización expresa e inequívoca por escrito por parte de MINDTIMESHARE.
  2. ii) La página Web en la que se establezca el Hiperenlace solo podrá contener lo estrictamente necesario para identificar el destino del Hiperenlace.

iii) La página Web en la que se establezca el Hiperenlace no contendrá informaciones o contenidos ilícitos, contrarios a la moral y a las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas y al orden público, así como tampoco contendrá contenidos contrarios a cualesquiera derechos de terceros.

iv) MINDTIMESHARE se reserva el derecho a bloquear los Hiperenlaces dirigidos al Website que no cuenten con autorización expresa con carácter previo aun cumpliendo con lo preceptuado en este punto de las Condiciones Generales.


MINDTIMESHARE se reserva el derecho a ejercer cuantas acciones estén disponibles en derecho para exigir las responsabilidades que se deriven del incumplimiento de cualquiera de las disposiciones de estas Condiciones Generales del Website por parte de un usuario.


La declaración de cualquiera de las cláusulas contenidas en estas Condiciones Generales como nula, inválida o ineficaz no afectará a la validez o eficacia de las restantes, que seguirán siendo vinculantes entre las partes.


Las presentes CGU se regirán por lo dispuesto en la legislación española.

Cualquier controversia relativa a las condiciones de uso y acceso a este Website contenidas en el presente documento de CGU del Website, las partes se someten, renunciando expresamente a cualquier otro fuero que pudiera corresponderles, salvo que por imperativo legal se determine lo contrario, a los Juzgados y Tribunales de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


A los efectos de practicar las oportunas notificaciones, MINDTIMESHARE designa como domicilio de contacto el especificado en el Aviso Legal.

El correo electrónico facilitado por el Usuario durante el proceso de registro en el Website, será el utilizado por MINDTIMESHARE a efectos de practicar notificaciones al Usuario.

ElUsuarioestá obligado a mantener debidamente actualizados los datos que a efectos de notificaciones se referencian en la presente cláusula.

Todas las Notificaciones que efectúe MINDTIMESHARE al Usuario se considerarán válidamente efectuadas si se han realizado empleando los datos y a través de los medios anteriormente señalados. MINDTIMESHARE no se responsabiliza de cualquier perjuicio que pudiere producirse por la vulneración del Usuario de su obligación de mantenimiento actualizado de sus datos de contacto.




1.- AIM.

These conditions for general use (henceforth CGU), regulate the access and use of the Website under the Website), owned by “MINDTIMESHARE, S.L.U.”  (henceforth MINDTIMESHARE), made available to the users (henceforth User/s).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use and access to the Website or these CGU, you can contact us through the contact information published in the Legal Notice.


The use of this Website implies the full acceptance by the User of the existing CGU at the time the User accessed to this Website. If they are not accepting of any of the conditions established herein they should abstain from using the Website.

Accordingly, the User shall carefully read the CGU each time they decide to use the Website.

In any case, MINDTIMESHARE reserves the right to modify, without prior notice and at any time the CGU. Similarly, MINDTIMESHARE reserves the right to suspend, interrupt, or cease to operate the Website at any time.

By “Website use”, it is meant all Users accessing and browsing this Website independently of filling the registration forms.


The access to the Website and/or the Contents included in it, does not imply any kind guarantee with respect to suitability of the Website and/or the Contents included in it, for specific or particular purposes of the Users.

MINDTIMESHAREmay establish additional limitations and/or conditions for use and/or access to the Website and/or the Contents, which shall be observed at all times by Users.

3.1.- Access and Use of the Website.

Unless otherwise provided, the use of the Website shall be free of charge, without prejudice to the connection through the corresponding telecommunications network contracted by the User.

The User admits to being over the age of eighteen years, therefore is conscious of and voluntarily and explicitly accepts that the use of the Website is done at all times under only their own exclusive responsibility.

The User is obliged to comply with the CGU, as well as to comply with the special notices or instructions found on the Website and to act always in accordance to the law, good practice and the responsibilities of good faith, employing their maximum attention taking into account the nature and compensation of the service they enjoy. To this effect, they shall abstain from using the Website in any way that can block, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of the Website, the property or right of MINDTIMESHARE, suppliers, distributers, other Users, or any third party in general.

Specifically and without causing any restriction to the obligation assumed by the User complying in a general nature with the previous section, the User is obliged during the use of the Website:

  1. Do not introduce, store or disseminate, on or from the Website, any information or material that is defamatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, apologia for terrorism, incites violence, discriminatory to race, sex, ideology, religion or that in some way subverts public order, fundamental rights, public liberty, honour, privacy or the appearance of third parties and in general the current legislation.
  2. Do not introduce, store or disseminate via the Website any computer program, data, virus, code or any other instrument or electronic or physical device capable of causing harm to the Website, any of the services, or any of the equipment, systems or networks of MINDTIMESHARE, of any User, of the Suppliers or Distributers of MINDTIMESHARE or in general of any third party, capable of causing any type of alteration or prevent the normal functioning of the Website.
  3. Do not introduce, store or disseminate via the Website any content that infringes intellectual and industrial property right, or the rights of a third party, or in general, any content to which they do not exercise the rights, in accordance with the law, to make available to third parties.

3.2.- Access and Use of Content.

The Contents of the Website are available to the User with information sourced from its own and third parties.

MINDTIMESHAREensures that the Contents are of the highest possible quality and are reasonably updated, but does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, comprehensiveness, pertinence and/or relevance of the Contents.


Via the CGU no intellectual or industrial property rights about the Website or any of its integrated elements are conceded, and are expressly forbidden to theUser their copy, transformation, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding, or the use in any form, along any means or procedure, from any of them, unless in those cases where it is legally permitted or is authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The User shall be able to display and obtain a temporary private copy of the Contents for their exclusive personal and private use on their computer systems (software and hardware), provided without the purpose to develop any commercial or professional activities. The User should abstain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the Contents through means or procedures different to those that in each case was made available or indicated for that purpose or those that they usually use on the Internet (as long as these latter do not put at risk of damage or deactivation of the Website). The User should respect, at all times, all the  intellectual and industrial property rights concerning the Website, owned by MINDTIMESHARE or third parties.


5.1.- Disclaimer of Guarantees and Responsibility for the Functioning of the Website.

MINDTIMESHARE does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Website and the services and Contents found in it, or that the content on the Website is updated, being exempted from all responsibility for damages or harm, of any nature, that could arise from such circumstances.

MINDTIMESHARE shall carry out, providing circumstances do not arise that make it impossible or of difficult implementation, and as soon as having been notified of the errors, disconnections and/or lack of updating of the Contents, all those actions meant to rectify the errors, re-establish communication and/or update the referred to contents.

Likewise, MINDTIMESHARE does not guarantee either the technical reliability of its Website, nor the access to its different pages, and in the same way being exempted of all responsibility for any damages or harm, of any nature, that could arise from this cause.

Furthermore, MINDTIMESHARE is not responsible for the possible security flaws or deficiencies that may arise from use of a browser by a User, which was not properly updated or secured or for the damages, errors or inaccuracies that may arise from the malfunctioning of it.

With the aim of reducing the risk of introducing a virus onto the Website, use virus detection programs to control all of the Contents introduced to the Website. Nevertheless, MINDTIMESHARE does not guarantee the absence of viruses, or other elements on the Website introduced by third parties external MINDTIMESHARE that may cause alterations to the hardware or software systems of the Users or in the digital documents and catalogues contained within its systems. As a result, MINDTIMESHARE shall not be under any circumstances responsible of any damages or harm, of any nature, which may derive from the presence of a virus or other elements that can produce alterations in the software or hardware systems, files or catalogues of the Users.

MINDTIMESHARE employs various protection measures to protect the Website, the gathered data and the Contents against digital, attacks from third parties. Nevertheless, MINDTIMESHARE does not guarantee that unauthorised third parties could have access to the type of browsing and use of the Website enjoyed by the User or the conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which they are made. As a result, MINDTIMESHARE shall not be in any case responsible for the damages or harm that may be derived from such unauthorised access.

MINDTIMESHARE shall not be in any case responsible for the use that the Users and/or third parties could put the Website or the Contents to, nor the damages and harm that could derive from it.

5.2.-  Disclaimer of Guarantees and Responsibility for the Contents.

MINDTIMESHARE does not edit Contents published by third parties on the Website and, as a consequence, does not guarantee nor be responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity, accuracy comprehensiveness and relevance of such Content, as well as the Contents owned by MINDTIMESHARE. MINDTIMESHARE shall not be, in any circumstances, responsible for any damages or harm that may be derived from: (i) the absence of legality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness and/or relevance of the Contents caused from third parties and its own; (ii) the inadequacy for any reason and the disappointing of expectations generated by the Contents; (iii) decisions or actions taken or avoided on the part of the User, trusting in the information or data provided in the Contents, including without limitation, the loss of profits or business opportunities.


Those people proposing to establish Hyperlinks between their web page and the Website should observe and comply with the following conditions:

  1. It shall not be necessary to seek prior authorisation when the Hyperlink only allows access to the homepage of the Website, but shall not be able to reproduce it in any way. Any other type of Hyperlink shall require the unequivocal, express and written authorisation from MINDTIMESHARE.
  2. The web page on which the Hyperlink is established can only contain strictly the necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.
  • The web page on which the Hyperlink is established shall not contain illicit information or content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good practice and to public order, as well as not containing content contrary to any rights of third parties.
  • MINDTIMESHARE reserves the right to block the Hyperlinks directed to the Website which do not have previous express permission even when complying with the provisions described in this point of the General Conditions.


MINDTIMESHARE reserves the right to exercise all lawful available action to demand the responsibilities that derive from the breach of contract of any of the provisions of these General Conditions of the Website by a User.


The declaration of any of the clauses contained within these General Conditions as null, invalid or ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining, which shall continue to be binding between the parties.


The present CGU govern in accordance with Spanish legislation.

Any controversy relative to the terms of use and access to this Website contained in the present document of the CGU of the Website, the parties submit, expressly relinquishing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, unless legal necessity determines otherwise, to the Courts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


For notifications, MINDTIMESHARE designates as point of contact specified in the Legal Notice.

The email provided by the User during the registration process on the Website, shall be used by MINDTIMESHARE to affect the practice of notifying the User.

The User is obliged to diligently maintain those details respecting to notifications referenced in this here clause.

All the Notifications affected by MINDTIMESHARE to the User shall be considered legitimately affected if they have been made employing the details and through the means previously indicated. MINDTIMESHARE shall not be responsible for any harm that could pass due to the violation of the User in their obligation to maintain their contact details updated.

90 Responses to Blog rules – Uso de la Web

  1. Gerry says:

    I have been contacted by Ownership Release Services aka Timesure Solutions Ltd. Are they another sca****? I have already been sc***** by ITRA for £5000.

  2. Jess says:

    Had a call from company called “The Timeshare Council” phone number 0800 024 3101 advising that under new European law we can claim back our money that we paid for our timeshare over 10 years ago. The next stage is we are to be contacted by legal people to come to a meeting for a free consultation. They say that the legal people will need to take credit card details in case of a no show. Sounds a bit dodgy to me . Any comments welcome.

    • Julia says:

      Hi Jess, I have just been (8/3/17) contacted by Colin Jones from The Timeshare Council in Bournemouth offering to get me out of my contract in 3-6weeks then to try and claim compensation for us. 1471 redial gave me this no 01202 501 746. He also offered for us to go to a meeting with his legal team in a Stratford upon Avon. I declined saying they are offering the same as ITRA (had meeting with them in Chesterfield and they wanted money up front too, needless to say didn’t take them up on their offer) and I am not prepared to pay anything up front. Looking on this website both are a companies recommend NOT to do business with. He was quite aggressive and I had to tell him on occasions not to patronise me, not at all professional if he wants to get my money. Also last year had a cold call from Paradise Solutions SL, asking me to pay €100 for them to get me out of MGM contract. . Hope you did not go with them.

  3. Lam says:

    I got a call claiming from RDO with the no 90766939
    I just got sick of it

  4. Mary says:

    We have received a letter by post this morning from Lloyd Clarks limited, offering to get money back from Timeshare refund companies on a no win no fee basis. Their address is: Offfice 3103 60 Windsor Ave London SW19 2RR. 0203 002 The envelope is hand written but the letter just says “Dear Clients”. This is the 2nd letter we have had from them which we just ignored. We have not paid any money to a refund company. (we did but got it back within a few days via our credit card company). No doubt if you take up this offer you will have to pay for notaries etc.ll

  5. ken says:

    ken asks does anyone now of the connection between Club Class Services and Imagen Sinergica
    I have been asked for proof that these to outfits are linked together

  6. Mal says:

    Hi, does anyone have any information about Orbit Management SL in Arguineguine, Gran Canaria? We were given the hard sell after winning the ‘star prize’ on a scratch card. Paid £2,000 deposit and after 3 days and lots of thinking about it we informed them we wanted to cancel but they are saying there is no cooling off period and they still want the other £1,995. I’ve tried writing to them recorded delivery but they will not budge. I can’t believe I was so stupid to fall for this!

    • Karen says:

      Hi Mal
      Do you mind me asking, but we are going through this at the moment though the bank, who keep coming up with different things they need to ask as Orbit (cheeky sods) have actually disputed the dispute! I hope you did get sorted out, we are hopeful as if the bank carry on with this I am going to quote Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act at them! Been trying since we came back beginning of April, just wondering if you had a successful result.

      Kind regards


  7. Sandra says:

    Hi I am looking for some information on how to make a claim against Seasons Holiday Club. We got taken in by winning a free week which turned into us paying £10000 for a two bed any time lodge. We were told we could transfer this to interval world for three weeks. We can never find a time or accommodation that is suitable in the country we would like to visit so we have to pick from what ever they have left. This means that we have not had a holiday every year but we still have to pay the fees. Can you please advise.

  8. Ann says:

    William from Signature Haven contacted us this week stating that we had bonus week due. From that conversation they cleverly gleaned information about our holiday operator. Later that day Amy rang back saying we owed them money for a holiday that we booked through the
    other operator. She had the last four numbers from my card. She threatened to take the money if we didn’t give permission and was quite aggressive. She said that if we paid immediately they would reduce the balance by half. Needless to say we did not pay but it was very unnerving as they were so confidant. How are they getting this information and who else can I report them to, apart from the police?

  9. c neil says:

    When Christina contacted me again I asked for all the company info by post not e-mail then when she contacted me again I suggested that I could put the monies into an a/c held by my Spanish solicitor and when the case was settled then they could have the money + any interest accrued. Her reply was that they were an English company and I replied that my Spanish solicitor also had offices in England so that wouldn’t be a problem. Haven’t heard from her since. Try her with that trick and see what happens I’ll guarantee you won’t be bothered by her again.

  10. Mme D says:

    les marocains lors d’un séjour à Marrakech m’ont volée de cette façon. Je viens d’être recontactée par qui m’ont proposé ce que vous dîtes dans la page précédente pour me rembourser une somme dépassant celle volée mais il faut que nous allions à Marrakech avec des conditions qui me semblent fort peu honnêtes dont ces 389 € comment faire pour récupérer mon argent plus tout ce qu’ils m’ont demandé en argent pour récupérer ce vol ??? d’autre part avant durant cet hiver une autre société fausse m’a aussi usurpée ! pourrais je avoir une réponse SVP avec mes remerciements

  11. Clair says:

    We’ve been approached by a company T & M Mediation Group about claiming back money from Lion Resorts. They’re offering a 30% fee on our claim – my question is are they legitimate as I can’t find anything about them!
    T & M Mediation Group, Oasis 6B2, San Eugenio Alto, Costa Adeje, 38660,Santa Cruz De Tenerife
    The telephone number comes up as listed to Jane Mazzone, but the caller & paperwork she emailed is from Jade Mazzone (managing director)

  12. Richard says:

    My father has been contacted by Regent Finance Ltd,asking him to send £1565 to China,in order to claim back money owed to him from club class-reclaim.This is yet another firm asking him for money,and it seems like this firm are probably dodgy like the rest who have contacted him previously.Has anybody else any info on Regent,or been contacted by them.
    I have advised him not to go ahead with this until we have more information.

  13. Michelle says:

    Galdarres. Mr Jorge Costelas this is another company offering to get your money back on Reclaim Certificate but again they want upfront fees they say they are acting as liquidators but I can’t find any trace of them

  14. Michelle says:

    Hi please don’t give anyone money to reclaim any money you have lost. I have been fighting for 3 years to get my parents money back through section 75 and have finally succeeded !!!! It may take time and effort but at least you won’t lose more money. If I can help anyone then I would be pleased to

    • debbie says:

      Hi We had calls from various companies that wanted to make a section 75 claim for us if we paid them. MB who worked for Club Class in spain (who was sacked and took client info with him) also sold us upgrade to prestige and cashback europe. He was helping us, we did pay him an amount not too much but enough he then disappeared and never heard from him again. I then decided I would make my own claim to our credit card company – it has taken a few months with all the information they required but we have now been offered a full refund – signed the papers and am waiting for the cheque to be deposited to our account – If it was not for the help from Mr, Garcia who provided me with some excellent information I do not think my credit card would have been willing to refund my £5.000.00 once again thank you

      • Andy says:

        Hi Debbie would appreciate any help, information, details, in route taken to claim money back payment was via a loan …5k too much to loose ..
        thanks Andy.

    • Simon says:

      Hi Michelle don’t know if you are still on here but your post is just what we have been looking for……after meeting with several shark companies the latest was Eze group in Stirling. We have decided to have a go ourselves, any tips.?

    • John says:

      Hi, we were sold a timeshare over 20 years ago and have been trying to off load this since day 2. Do you know if it is possible, is this rule going to benifit me?, any help would be great

  15. aNON says:

    Hi anyone heard of Legal Prosecutors Ltd of Finchley North London who are cold calling ex Ramirez sufferers?

    • C N says:

      Have just been contacted by that company in the shape of Christina Taylor, she is asking for £199+VAT=£239 to proceed with my claim against Club Class Holidays. I had originally used Rameriz & Rameriz. I presume this is again a s*** but like everyone desperate for info as well as our money back.
      Does anybody have any info regarding this company Legal Prosecutors?

      • June says:

        I also have been cold called by this woman, we had dealings with Rameriz&Rameriz, Christina Taylor told me that the presiding Judge was corrupt and that this company could claim our money back at a price but like you I am very dubious! Any infor would be greatly appreciated

    • LR says:

      Yes and their associates Litigation Services SLof Fuengirola who ask for a much larger 4 figure fee. Websites and pseudo legal documentation are convincing but don’t pay a bean.
      Far better we all submit actionfraud reports, get a crime number and claim under section 75. There’s a chance then they will be stopped.
      These people are just milking those unfortunate to have got caught in the Leisure Alliance and previous pseudo legal firm’s web.

      • LR says:

        Legal Prosecutors ask for payment through Klik and Pay and unfortunately that is deemed a 3rd party by any Bank and we have just been told by our Bank as a result they are unable to progress by a section 75 claim.
        So NEVER pay to a cold caller and NEVER pay by klik and pay.

  16. Ann says:

    Hello there. I have received a letter requesting fees from Leisure Alliance for 2 years. We ignored this. Today I had a phone call requesting the fees again. My husband said no way were they getting any money from us and put the phone down. They rang back and left a message on the answer phone. Are we liable for this it’s quite worrying regards Ann

  17. John says:

    I have had a call from a company called International Accountants Ltd, Address is ? 39-41 Chase Side, South Gate, London, N14 5BP, Company reg No 08252029, Director George Gorgio
    They claim to be able to get money back from Spanish scams through a Chinese Insolvance Company, Paying some money to Weston Union,”views please”

    • Dave says:

      Hi John. Sorry but don’t add your name to the ‘mug’ list. Pay out any money and kiss it goodbye.

      • susan says:

        Hi John, we have been contacted by the same firm using the same technique and wanting money paid up front-reading your blog has confirmed what we already thought- that it was pure fiction and no money would be received by us

  18. Bert en Annelies says:

    Hallo ik kom uit Nederland, ook wij hebben Club Class onze vakantie punten van Infinity over laten nemen. Bij Infinity hebben wij 35.000 euro betaald. Wij hebben 3 jaar gebruik kunnen van de resorts. Maar mijn echtgenoot mocht niet meer vliegen dus wilde wij van het contract af. Dit ging niet. Wij werden door Club Class gebeld dat zij ons geld terug zouden geven, echter dit pas na 3 jaar en betaling van 4.260 euro., de totale waarden werd op 20.000 euro gezet. Wij ontvingen een pay-backcheque ter waarde van 20.000 euro en moesten deze dan na 3 jaar activeren. Dit alles hebben wij gedaan maar kregen maar 6.700 euro terug. Nu worden wij weer gebeld door een bureau “Reclaim Legal Services”‘ vanuit London tel: 00442081230727 die aangeeft dat zij ons het gehele bedrag kunnen terugvorderen en dat wij dan 25% van het uitbetaalde aan hen verschuldigd zullen zijn. Wij moeten ons echter wel eerst registreren en dat kost 470, britse ponden. Is dit echt een goed bedrijf. Het geld kunnen wij gewoon niet betalen, daar wij voor zeer hoge ziektekosten zitten.

  19. John says:

    Does anyone have experience With BEST HOUSE in Las Palmas? I hope not, because I just have been ******* for € 3.500,-. In particular Mr. Manfred Wolff and the notary office TRIANA 91, Mr. Sandoval and Mr. Theodor are the cul*****.
    All Timeshare owners be warned for these people!
    Best House Las Palmas can be placed on the super blacklist.

  20. Julia says:

    has anyone had dealings with Ns Legal Release/

  21. steve says:

    I would be very interested to know if anybody actually managed to get a cheap luxury holiday or discounted flight cost from CLUB CLASS.

  22. Gary says:

    Hi not sure if I’m in the right place but thought I would let you all know the good news, I have received some money back from my reclaim certificate hooray!! Took nearly 2 years from the day I sent it back and didn’t think I was going to get anything but hey presto on 30th dec 13 checked my bank balance and there was a deposit from a spainish bank for £2533.45 not the £17995 I was told I would get all them years ago, what with that and the £4500 I claimed back from my credit card I do feel a little bit better knowing I got something back. So don’t give up if you are waiting, I sent my bank details to them back in April 13 and didn’t hold my breath but got the payment in Dec 13. Has anyone else had any luck with there claim?

    • siocal says:

      Excellent stuff! I’ve just had my certificate returned because the Spanish mail service was unable to deliver it. This leaves me outside the 28-day window for lodging the claim but I intend fully to push this. I’ve been to the Reclaim address as I have to go to that area twice a year anyway, so I guess he’s (and it is ‘he’, on his own) going to get fed up looking at my ugly mug…

  23. Pete says:

    Update on Sunset Properties, they contacted us via telephone stating they had a purchaser for our RCI points. They stated that the purchasers monies would be put into an escrow account and we would be provided with a unique reference number once the monies had been cleared, they would also provided a completion date, payment would be in the form of a cheque or bank transfer and we would be contacted by lawyers at an appointed time who would arrange the payment, and the Insurance Indemnity Bond.
    When we questioned them they gave vague answers concerning, who provided them with our details, why did we have to pay 10% of sale price upfront for an Insurance Indemnity Bond when they could take it from the value of the cheque, as it is the lawers ( PRB Legal Associates ) who would hold the escrow account. Needless to say we did not take up their offer.
    I would advise anyone who is contacted by Sunset Properties, Sharon Woodstone or PRB Legal Associates to tread carefully as it is definitely a well produced SC**.

  24. peted2347 says:

    Has anyone been contacted by a Sharon Woodstone of SUNSET PROPERTIES from Malaga Tel: 0034 632803215 regarding the purchase of RCI points ?

  25. peted2347 says:

    Has anyone been contacted by a Sharon Woodstone of SUNSET PROPERTIES operating out of Malaga tel: 0034 632803215 regarding the purchase of their RCI points.

  26. KJT says:

    Kathy reports success in claiming from the credit card company under Section 75 thanks to helpful advice from Alberto of Mindtimeshare. Getting all the evidence together took time but was worth it in the end. Dont give up!

  27. S.W says:

    Please could you advise me on the companies below, who have approached me to provide details of my timeshare lost costs

    Fast Line Legal


    Latorre y Arias
    Plaza de San Agustin
    41020 Sevilla

    Tel : 0034-646 116 104
    Fax : 0034-954 495 031


  28. Chani says:

    Hi I tried to sell my points of Diamond Resorts back to them and they would not buy back and was told to sell these independently. How and why did you sell the points and why does this company want to buy them back for you. Please do not pay any money to these people as it is a scam.

  29. Mark says:

    Hi I am new to all this kind of thing, but we have been contacted by a company called Holiday Impact Consultancy Ltd offering to get us out of our timeshare points with Diamond Resorts but we need to pay £1000 upfront on credit card as this will protect us and then once they have got us out of the contract they will need another £1500.


  30. Pete says:

    Earlier cold-called by the charming Lesley from Knightsbridge Consultants, based in Marbella. Their tel no. is 0034 952 468 460, email: Anyone heard of them? Like so many, they sound sooo convincing!
    The pitch is a Class Action against the Timeshare industry for mis-selling timeshares, notably the ‘In Perpetuity’ clause, which basically means an owner cannot rid themselves of unwanted timeshare, and the timeshare will be inherited by their heirs who will have to continue maintenance payments whether they want to or not! There are other issues alongside this one (another 6 to be precise).
    We have to register for this Class Action in Spain, which means a visit to Marbella (flight at our expense) with free 4* accommodation for about 3 nights, a one-hour (honest!) consultation, otherwise no cost to ourselves, and a no-win no-fee basis for the Class Action. If they do win, they want 40% of the pay-out (for court costs)! I don’t think so! Somewhere in the general chat, the charming Lesley mention something about a £20,000 pay-out being a good return for £200. I thought it was at no cost to us?
    Their website isn’t! If you visit, you’ll find it’s managed by 123Malaga Internet Services – absolutely no info about Knightsbridge Consultants, and a Whois check puts the owners of the business somewhere in the USA.
    I’ll be treating this company with my usual scepticism, but I’d appreciate any additional information.

    • Alice says:

      Hi I have been contacted by a company called Sherlock Marketing, exactly same spec as yourself I have actually booked my flights to Malaga as thought well what have I got to lose as No Win No Fee basis but now looking into matters more deeply not so sure about it all. I have had my Timeshare since 2002 in Tenerife.

      What was the outcome for you?

      • Rob says:

        I just had the same conversation with Sherlock Marketing so this approach has definitely been running for quite a while. Has anyone had any success or otherwise with these claims?

  31. Pete says:

    Just been cold-called by Knightsbridge Consultants, based in Marbella. A lovely lady named Lesley told me they are commencing a class action against Timeshare Companies for mis-selling timeshares, with particular reference to the ‘In Perpetuity’ aspect, which can mean owners can never rid themselves of timeshares they perhaps can no-longer afford, and offspring will inherit whether they want to or not, and be liable for on-going maintenance costs. No upfront fees, No-win/No-fee deal (they take 40%), and an invitation to Marbella in 4* accommodation to register for this Class Action in Spain (costs £200 I think she said). All very plausible. Their contact number is 0034 966263671 email: The website is managed by 123Marbella Internet Services (who seem genuine) but the Whois lookup puts the privacy-protected owners in the USA!
    Anyone heard of this company? As usual, I’m sceptical and very dubious!

  32. lynnesupply says:

    Just spoken to Ruth and Leonie at sellmytimeshare, they offered to sell my points for between £9,500 and£14,000 on the Russian market, with no selling fees. Then came the catch I needed to pay £1500 for holiday vouchers at Monster holidays.
    I wanted this in writing so I got an email repeating the offer. In the meantime I started investigating and came across this website. When Leonie called back I mentioned you and said we didn’t wish to proceed, where upon I was told that comments on here aren’t genuine and they are taking legal action against you!

  33. andy says:

    Hi fantastic news we have just had confirmation from our card provider they have offered us a full refund of 5860 1500 of which was paid by credit card the balance was bank transfer .
    Thanks to garcia for helping us it has only took 6 weeks and no objection from provider .

  34. Robert says:

    Has any one heard of a company called Fastlinelegal. Of Plaza de la Iglesia Local9 panta 2 arroya de la miel 29631 Malaga.
    Web email
    Phone 0034-952-44-18-93. fax 08455442713

  35. AB says:

    We were contacted by CC holidays (Email bluechipstite .com) offering to buy our share in a Travel Club. When queried as to how I could check the authenticity of there Spanish registered company they gave me a CiF number which I could check with the Spanish Embassy in London ( the Spanish Embassy does not carry financial information). When the finance people rang me up, the payment for secure collection of the documents had been stopped and the Credit card cancelled.
    They then tried to prove to me that as they where using Visa Card systems that they must be a creditable company to get access to that system. I had already checked this line of attack with my bankers who advised me that using any credit card system does not indicate viability or legality of the company

  36. Rob says:

    12:20 hrs on 24/04/2013 – another miracle purchaser for my Club Class Concierge membership!!!!

    DAVID MORRIS an Independent Broker called and asked whether we used our CCC membership. I told him that we had never used it and never would as the company were in liquidation. He tried to explain that this was a different part of the company still trading – I really believed him – not!!

    He went on to tell me that a company he was working for, had an Eastern European couple who had £8.5k and were willing to buy our membership, and would this be acceptable. Having had numerous calls like this ( many detailed on this blog) I led him on and said “yes”. He went on to say that they had already deposited 25% by Credit Card with the remaining 75% paid within 28 days – this would mean that I would get my money (paid whichever way I wanted) within six weeks.

    He then asked if I had any contract paperwork to which I replied that I had never received any, including the “cashback” certificate. He then told me I would need to sign and return an indemnity form to enable him to get a replacement contract to pass to the new owners.

    Without prior knowledge of this type of scam this all sounds very plausible and everything is being done for your benefit.

    He then hit me with the age old ” and of course to show good faith you will need to pay an indemnity payment”. I replied that the EU timeshare directive regs 2011 made this type of request for advance or upfront fees illegal. He blustered that this was the rules he had to work to, and that obviously this was standard procedure. I replied that whatever he chose to call this advance money request, it was still illegal and if he continued in this way then as an independent broker he was WORKING ILLEGALLY.

    He then got more agitated when I told him that I had numerous people contact me previously with the same scam – after they had received my money (never going to happen) the purchasers would miraculously disappear off the face of the earth and I would be left with a lighter bank balance and a worthless holiday club membership. I then really lost it and told him I was f****d off with people trying to scam more money out of me. He then hung up!!

  37. Alison says:

    An update on my quest to get a refund from European Consumer Complaints Department who assured me that I had 7 days to change my mind after stupidly falling for their line of chat and offer of help. I duly returned all the paperwork as instructed together with a letter advising I no longer wanted to continue with my claim and therefore would they kindly refund my money as promised. The letter which I sent that had to be signed for has been returned to me today by the post office. The letter was signed for but no action has been taken and I’m still without a refund. Do not fall for the promises made by Holly Hilton.

  38. Sue says:

    I was contacted by MM Consultancies to reclaim, under Section 75, £6000 which was scammed off us in 2006 by Great British Marketing for Club Class Holidays. We had already started a reclaim with Resort Promotions and had paid them £500. M M said that this was a scam and offered to reclaim that amount too. They are ringing me back this evening to see if we will go ahead and having read the blog I don’t think we will but it is annoying to think that we might have been successful it getting our £6K back. Is there no one honest out there to help??

    • Sue,
      The Consumer Credit Act provides the possibility to claim a refund during 6 years counting from the day the financial transaction was done.
      If you bought in the year 2006, the 6 years have passed and you cannot use the Consumer Credit Act.
      MM Consultancy should know that is they are claiming for consumers….strange they didn’t pick this up!
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

      • Sue says:

        Further to my comment on March 20th, I am pleased to report that I was successful in claiming under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act with the help of Resort Promotions. I had parted with £6K to Club Class and got just over £5K back. I paid £499 to Resort Promotions for their assistance which only consisted of composing letters for me, but nevertheless was helpful because I had written the money off. All in all I am very pleased with the outcome.

  39. pat says:

    I have just been called by a company called World Crown International who have stated that they have bought Absolute solutions and they are contacting timeshare owners who have been approached by Absolute Solutions in the past . As I already know that Absolute Solutiuons are not a genuine company I declined to discuss my timeshare with this other company. Has anyone heard of these people.

  40. Ann says:

    Today we were sca**** for the 3rd time for £880 by Pheonix Legal Services, the way we found out it was a sc** was the bank phoned to check that we had made this payment to Global Services as this is a stationary firm. We have been sca**** before by Etoo, Half-moon Holdings and by Club Class, all in all we have lost about £23000

  41. Ron says:

    I have been invited to a meeting by Eureka Property Services. Has anyone actually attended a meeting with them? Is so, are you able to provide information as to what their proposal is?

    • DAVID says:

      Yes, we went to a meeting with then in Stafford in Avon about two years ago, they told us they would buy our time share in Florida and all we had to do was go to our bank and get them (them) a bank loan in our name(s) for £22,000. up to this point they were very nice to us but when we declined their ridicules proposal they turned quite angry. at this point we got up and left.

  42. Dee says:

    Hi, I received a phone call this morning from a man claiming he was ringing from the Courts on behalf of Incentive Leisure Group following the liquidation of the company & checked with me on the payments we’d paid & who they were with. He said this would be refunded now, but when I told him our 2 timeshare properties had been handed back to the companies as we could not afford to keep paying the maintenance as they’d never been sold on he said the refund could therefore not be given. He also said the the properties were sold quite early on, but I would still have had to pay the fees as the paperwork wasn’t transferred. Was this a lead to another scam or is there any truth in it? Needless to say he would not give a name or number (which was withheld).

    • Valerie says:

      Hi We have just encountered the same scam we handed over £ a guarantee fee suposed to be refunded when we receive a cleared balance for the sale of our timeshare the resale company is OTS & the credit card guarantee payment was paid to a company called HFI.Of course the sale fell through at the last minute.Another company called us offering us another buyer which would be a guaranteed sale as it was a corporate company at a further cost of £2700 for legal fees.Needless to say we declined the offer.four months later came the call that Bradley Simms finance had been appointed by the high court to refund our money the full amount for the sale of our timeshare plus the guarantee.The cheque would be arriving by courier the next day and we would then give up our deeds once the cheque had cleared,the woman called herself Angela Barton.The courier never materialised.Then today a woman with a very distinctive voice, I recognised as the previous Angela Barton.But now using the name Hannah jones called from another finance company Marshall & cohen with the same rubbish about the long trial that had just ended in regards to the 4 million scammed out of people by OTS due to be refunded via there company.however because we hadn’t paid the transfer fee due to the solicitors for the legal paperwork it was now neccessary to make a payment of £830.00.I refused so she went on to say I’ll send the cheque back as it was now an incumbrance against completion.So no in answer to your question there is no truth in it.

  43. Colin says:

    Not sure if this is the correct post for this thread as it involves “Carmar” but will put it here anyway, perhaps the moderator will put where he / /she thinks fit?
    We also have been duped by various companies in the past, ashamed to admit it but are trying to resolve the situation. Companies we have been contacted by are :- Ramirez & Ramirez; Bartles Holiday Sales whom I have already reported to one organisation as being fruadulent; Carmar ( who seem to be a bit dubious); Accredo s. a. (of whom I can find no trace) who said on the phone (from Spain) that they are liquidators for ILG and have emailed me a creditor application form; Blue Flag solutions; and Resolved Claims Ltd also known as “ilgcompensationclaims”. This last state they can get rid of our Points (DRI) but I’m not sure how as all relevant paperwork went to ILG / DWVC, and DRI still maintain we arestill with them.
    All thes companies SOUND very plausible but can anyone tell me who can be trusted please.
    I am spending a lot of time on the internet which I could better spend!!

  44. Stephen says:

    We have just recently found your website, hope we are not to late.
    We first bought a timeshare in 1997 from Palm Oasis in Gran Canaria under pressure sales, usually way, scratch card in the street, you have won star prize, taxi to resort, grilled for hours, supply you with drinks, deposit on day, no cooling off period, promised cheap flights, free transport to and from airport, they would take propety back from us on a later date, maintenance would not rise above inflation.
    Eventually a lot of things changed.
    We have asked them, and also wrote to them, if they will take the propety back, all they are prepared to do is try and rent our two weeks out, to cover maintenance costs which are now quite high.
    We were cold called in 2007 by ILG who said they would take our timeshare contract and maintenance off our hands for a price.
    Believing they were genuine, we proceeded. However we had many battles over the years, as we were still receiving maintenance bills from Palm Oasis, eventually ILG went into liquidation. Wrote to liquidators they said their will not be any funds available for distribution to creditors of the compamy.
    We were cold called in June 2012 by Resorts4all about being mis-sold our timeshare from Palm Oasis,why do you want to know, well because our sister company, Reclaimgc are taking timeshare companys to court for mis-selling of timeshares, at the moment they have 150 cases pending.
    Invited out to Gran Canaria 5 star resort Atlantic Sands, for £370 for one week, take some paperwork out, speak to their Legal Team, no win no fee basis, but take a fee off 25% off your claim when succesful.
    I made it perfectly clear not buying any timeshares, or anything whatsoever, if we came out.They did say we would receive our £370 back, so just air fair to pay for, which we got in writing.
    Still very dubious about them, not had a holiday so thought we would take advantage and see if it would work for us.
    We had a meeting with their representative to discuss our claim, she worked out all the figures, which came out to a nice tidy sum.
    For us to proceed with our claim, the Lawyers need a deposit of 1,400 Euros, when the rest of our paperwork is sent to them, the Lawyes require another 9,000 Euros, which is the total amount of theif fees for them to start procedure of our claim.
    The Lawyer puts the cost of 10,400 Euros on to the coutr costs, this is paid back to us in our final settlement, but this may take up to two years.
    We paid the deposit of 1,400 Euros, on credit card, all done early November 2012.
    Didn’t receive our £370 before we left, after telephone calls, and emails received a cheque on Friday 29th December 2012 but only £270 (Iv’e not done yet).
    Another company cold called us late November, supposed to be a site for cross border consumer complaints, an initiative of the international consumer protection and enforcment network (what a mouthful) about 28 goverments involved with this site, sounds like it should be the bees knees.
    They could help us recover money paid to ILG, through section 75 of the consumer credit act,for a fee of £300 they would do all relevent paper work, we paid £300 on cdedit card.
    We received a form to fill in, and receipt for money paid,but the name on both of them was Solutions who were based in Tenerife, (That rung alarm bells with us.
    So we then started to think have they used, as a front to contact us.
    We cancelled the agreement straight away, and are in the process of trying to recover our money back.
    We are using section 75 ourselfs to try to recover money from ILG.
    We need to try and recover 1,400 Euros from Reclaimgc.
    It makes us think all these companys all s— in the same pot.
    As any one heard of or used,
    If any one in Britian was succesful with Reclaimgc solving their timeshare, with Palm Oasis
    we would be happy to hear from them, we will leave our details with minttimeshare, and ask them to pass them to you, if you don’t mind.
    What really P—ers me off with all these employees of the rip off, bogus companys, is about 99% of them are British and they are doing it to British people (they ought to rott in hell).

    • JOHN says:


      We were cold called by a company calling themselves CONSUMER ADVISORY SOLUTIONS almost a year ago now. Unfortunately we were talked into paying them a substantial amount on our credit card as they told us they could recover the money we paid to join a holiday club called Incentive Leisure.They told us this would all be done within a period of 3 months maximum. We received a contract from them showing that they were based in Tenerife but stupidly we went ahead anyway. We have heard nothing from them since. They also mentioned as if they were part of this organisation. We have contacted e ourselves and have been told that this company has nothing to do with them. We have been advised by our bank to claim the money back we paid to them on our credit card. When we looked at their website again which is we noticed that they had changed the name of their company and they now call themselves EUROPEAN CONSUMER SOLUTIONS.

      It makes you suspicious why they would change the name of the company.
      We have since been told that we were stupid to use a company in Tenerife to make a section 75 claim when we could just get a form from the bank and do it ourselves.



    • John. says:

      Palm Oasis are now giving you a Residual price if you wish to hand back your week/s. 1,200 euros per week for a T1 Apartment.
      You need to get a N.I.E. Number, as you have to pay 3% Tax on any money you receive.

  45. Catherine says:

    Has anyone had dealings with a company called Golden Sail Services…. they cold called my parents and managed to blag over £1000 from them to ‘register’ as a timeshare seller. Please help ! Thanks all

  46. Chani says:

    Diamond Resorts would buy it back with the same terms attached. That, you pay the management fees and in return you get it. It is like giving away your money away tothese companies and we are thevictims who are at a lose. Lesson too be learned ‘Be on you guard’ when receiving cold caller.

  47. Linda says:

    We have been contacted by Phillip Hill, who is claiming to be membership renewals officer for Club Class !! wanting us to pay last five years membership before we can cancel. If not he will send it out to a debt collector. According to some of your blogs Phil Hill is a debt collector. What should we do

    • Sheren smith says:

      I have just been contacted by Philip hill requesting overdue membership fees that I have not paid since 2005 , I asked him if he was a debt collector he said he wasn’t lol he wants a minimum of £165 to cancel my club class membership otherwise I will have to pay all my back dated fees .

      • Harry says:

        I have had several letters/emails from a Mr Hamilton also collecting “back fees”. Each time the letter states that they have been unable to contact me and have quoted different outstanding amounts to close the account. I am now, apparently, on their blacklist. Apart from the agrovation factor i have emailed him to tell him that he is guilty of harrassment and i shall be filing an action for a refund of all my my previous payments.
        Any advice on this is welcome

  48. neil says:

    hi i have also been contacted by official transfer services are they a genuine company?

  49. Shel says:

    These are just general comments. Originally had Timeshare with RCI (Petchey Leaisure ) sold to Incentive Leisure Group when they were based in Milton Keynes ( they seemed such nice friendly people.)Then 2 years later we were still the official owners and had to fight to get the maintenance paid ( we were lucky it was only a couple of hundred pounds) Eventually True Valid took over and we were scammed (older ladies,Northern accent sounded soooo genuine!) scammed again but each time got money back via credit card company (how much longer will they pay out I ask myself??) In the meantine we came out of RCIame but still linked to Incentive Leisure. Petchey knows of a company who bought the Timeshare, transaction completed in 48 hours. What a relief! However, we have the Reclaim bond which is due to mature in March 2013 and although we shall make a holiday to hand in certificate we are not expecting to get anything back and if we do it will be a bonus. People ring us regularly wanting to get hold of this bond,telling all sorts of stories, working on behalf of the Spanish Government,the money being held in Trust ,if we leave it there will not be money in the fund to pay us etc etc.
    So my way of handling this:-
    Before they get going it their ‘blurb’ I ask ‘ How they obtained my telephone number ‘and establish they are cold calling.
    Then get them to repeat the Company Name and their name.
    Say you are checking ‘Cold Caller List’
    Do not let them get into their ‘ flow ‘ disrupt their speech and say you will not hand any money over to any organisation ,now or ever.
    I also ask them to take my details off the contact list.Not that I think it works as next week they change the name of the company.
    It is obvious to me that these people know everything you have done with Timeshare ( they even know the number of the Reclaim Certificate.)
    Ask yourself how they got these details.
    Would be happy to converse with anyone and feel very strongly about this and cold calling generally. I would like to start an organisation to lobby parliament to make this sort of thing illegal.

    • Catherine says:

      Shel, don’t hold your breath in getting much of your reclaim money back, and you certainly won’t get it any quicker in handing in the certificate in person. We were to get nearly £15,000.00 and did everything right. Our certificate was received by them in May of last year and even after all the phone calls, emails etc it was March of this year before we got just over £2,000.00 back. My credit card obviously read more of the terms and conditions than I did and they said the Reclaim Company only promised to pay out about 6% which is what they did. It is better than nothing but so frustrating. The credit card company deducted the amount we got from reclaim from the amount they awarded us under the consumer act.

    • Stu says:

      Surely all this sort of ‘initiative’ is fraudulent, and with professional help the perpetrators can be traced, prosecuted, and their personal assets sold to repay victims. We are in the EU, and borders are fluid. Where is the Fraud Squad in all of this? While people can being fined for pausing momentarily on double yellow lines to drop off a passenger at Luton Airport, and the legal system will ‘support’ a private prosecution to secure unpaid fines, such trivial pursuits make the whole justice system a mockery when nothing can seemingly be done about international fraud on the scale of timeshare and holiday scams.

  50. george says:

    hi,i own two weeks timeshare on the algarve, as i am now on my own and not wishing to take a holiday as a single,i am eighty years old,i contacted the company asking would they take it back off me,they agread and sent out a form for me to sign relinquishing my ownership, but as i owe
    £5.000 maintenance do you think that will create a problem,they never said anything when i spoke
    to there rep, advice

  51. vivian ferrier says:

    I have just had a new one phoning me this week
    Adel wilson was the person who phoned are they legit or what
    regards Vivian

  52. glyn says:

    i bought a holiday club not a time share.about 10years ago, stopped paying 2 years ago.Have had nothing out of the deal ,i am being threatened will debt collectors is this possible

  53. John says:

    I was contacted by a company called Secure Transfer Holdings based in Croydon Surrey, offering to sell my Club Class membership for £8500 they have a customer who has already paid a deposit. I would need to pay £1300 as a security which is refundable upon completion.

  54. Catherine says:

    Dear Mr Garcia, just to let you know that I did follow up on what you advised me to do and made a claim to my Credit Card Company and just this week have received some compensation from them re my purchase of Club Class Holiday Club. I made the claim for £10,000 and they paid out 75% minus what I received from the Reclaim Certificate. I want to say a BIG BIG, thankyou for encouraging me to make the claim. It was really so refreshing to have someone willing to help. I wouldn’t have done it without your encouragement. I still have all my correspondence and you are welcome to it if the fight against Club Class and companies is still going ahead.

    Thank you once agin.

  55. Paul says:

    I have been contacted by Half Moon Holdings about selling our time share in Spain. I have seen what on your site by Garcia this company has a very dubious reputation. They are on your list of cold case Callers. THE dubieus information dates back to april 2011. Could You please inform me about more recent reliability information. Thank You in advance for your help.

  56. derek says:

    i have been cotacted by blue chip and paid them1200uros ihave tried to contact them
    and the emails have been blocked have you any way i can get my money back/

    kind regards derek

  57. Angela says:

    I completed a form online enquiring about sellIng my seasons holiday week, a woman contacted me from a company called official transfer services that are based in Zurich. She sounded very convincing ( don’t they always?!). She took my details and came back 4 days later saying that she had a client who wanted to buy our week for 10 times our annual maintenance fee (£490) less 5% for costs, we get a total of £3,400. She said there are no upfront costs and the day the money is transferred into my account a courier will be sent for my deeds…….. Sounds too good to be true so it probably is! Has anyone heard of this company? Thanks

  58. Michelle says:

    Having been scammed by Holiday Lettings I fortunately came across Alberto Garcia’s web page and added a comment to the many others already there. I honestly did not expect anything to come of this and was very pleasantly surprised to receive an email advising me how to get my money back. The instructions, help and advise was invaluable as, firstly, I did not realise I had any chance of getting my money back and secondly how to go about it. After only two letters to my bank I have now received a cheque for £1456 which I am obviously delighted about. This would never have been possible without the advice I received and I am eternally grateful that Alberto took the time and patience to assist me. Once again a very big thank you.


  59. Leigh says:

    I am new to all of this. I see a lot of bent organisations to avoid (which is massively helpful, thanks), but no advice on a good, trustworthy company to help sell my timeshare. Any suggestions?


    • Catherine says:

      If your timeshare is with RCI they will buy it back from you but you have to pay so many years management fees which could run into thousands of pounds.

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