Have you been called by Half Moon Holdings or HM Holdings?

In the past weeks we are receiving numerous emails with complaints about a company called Half Moon Holdings or simply HM Holdings. They have been working since July 2010 but it seems that lately they have become more and more active and unfortunately a growing number of customers have paid an upfront fee for the resale services of HM Holdings.

The person calling from HM Holdings contacts the clients on a “cold call”, and claims to be calling from London, Dover Street.  They even quote a UK Prime phone-number for calling back 0844 822 8128 and 0844 279 3891 but their contact address is located in Spain in Torre del Mar-Costa del Sol! Needless to say that the address is only a post box and UK Prime-telephone lines can be diverted to Spain.

Their website is www.hmholdingsonline.com  and email admin@hmholdingsonline.com

They are clearly not complying with the European Legislation (see my blog https://mindtimeshare.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/the-new-european-directive-will-it-be-effective/) and neither does their website comply with the basic legislation.

Most worrying is that they seem to be related to other companies that have been raided by the police in the past months such as Blue Chip 2009 SL  and Excalibur Sales and Marketing. (https://mindtimeshare.wordpress.com/2011/03/16/blue-chip-again-on-stage/)

The group of consumers they approach are timeshare owners and members of Discount Holiday Clubs.

If you have been called please note that we strongly advice to NEVER agree to dealings with any resale company that COLD CALLS, offers guaranteed selling of your timeshare and asks for an UP-FRONT FEE.

Any timeshare consumer that has been contacted or has unfortunately paid for services of this bogus company should contact Mindtimeshare directly in order for us to give advice and take action.

We work closely with both police and consumer associations to fight against the fraud in this area.



About mindtimeshare

Mindtimeshare SLU is registered Company reg number: B35957182 Mindtimeshare provides assistance to timeshare owners who have been defrauded by holiday clubs and bogus resale companies. The Mindtimeshare project was launched in February 2011. After dealing with timeshare members over several years who had been defrauded by numerous bogus companies and for large amounts of money, I considered launching an Organisation to help timeshare owners that have been targeted by bogus companies. On this blog you can find information about the different active scam companies and their “modus operandi” and also place comments, ask questions and see comments from other consumers who have the same doubts or have been through the same experience. Mindtimeshare has resulted in a huge success and has received the back up from not only timeshare consumers but also from the professionals in the timeshare Industry. Mindtimeshare helps timeshare owners who have been scammed by bogus Discount Holiday Clubs; bogus cash back companies; fraudulent timeshare resale companies; bogus class action companies and false lawyers and notaries. We offer professional answers and advice to Timeshare users. If you want to send an email instead of posting a comment on the blog please do so by emailing: customercare@mindtimeshare.com
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207 Responses to Have you been called by Half Moon Holdings or HM Holdings?

  1. Cora says:

    I was called by HM holdings today and yesterday even though I haven’t even heard of the company before then. I did not answer the phone, but in the voicemails they asked for two different people who were not me. So, just wanted to let everyone know they are still calling people now in 2016.

  2. Emma says:

    Half moon holdings contacted my father back in march and he paid them €1200.00 on his credit card as they said they had found a buyer for his time share the didn’t hear from them again up until yesterday this time they said they had found a buyer and needed either his passport number or national insurance number when he questioned why they needed this the young lady got very defensive and the said her computer had frozen and she would have to call him back. She did not call back.
    Now I will be taking him to see if he can get the money refunded to his credit card.
    People need to be more vigilant, if you think to yourself its to good to be true it more than likely is.

  3. Kevin says:

    I Have just been cold called by Half Moon Holdings, offering to sell my Club Class membership, for £7,000, after a long sales pitch on how safe the offer was, they asked for an upfront fee of £1,500, they said as a bond to ensure that their client got the “papers and certificate”.
    Having been also contacted by Blue Chip, with a very similar offer, I was fully aware of the sc**.
    and asked them to email me the details.
    Needless to say I will not be taking up their offer.

    • Jim says:

      Hi Kevin, I received the exact same call on the17th with the added pressure if i did not sell the new owners would levy a fee of £3700 for my continued membership. I think this is a big c@n

    • Andrew says:

      Having bought membership of Club Class Concierge with a cash back promised we discovered the marketing company had gone bust in Tenerife in 2008. £10,000 less an amount on credit card ( which was refunded ) was lost . Foolishly we agreed a few years later to reactivate our CC membership and paid a smaller sum. The cash back has been validated and we can claim it next autumn. Watch this space! However we have paid our Club Class membership fees and asked to be put on a register to dispose of our CC membership. Recently a telephone call from Half Moon Holdings offering us £7,600 for our CC membership if we paid a refundable liability insurance of £1,800 the offer was too similar to many previous attempts by Time Share resale companies that we declined and were threatened with an impending bill from Leisure Alliance ( the company administering Club Class ) for £3,600. Phoned Leisure Alliance and they just laughed and said the attempt to gain money by Half Moon Holdings is a scam. To anyone else reading this, do not pay any money to cold callers however convincing they might sound.

      • john says:

        I to have been contacted HMH i went online and found some very interesting reading about HMH and thre scam thanks anyway it s allways good to no that people pass around info on these scam companys

  4. elizabeth says:

    we have just been cold called by halfmoon holdings we didnt know about them until i found this sight on google i will have to get in touch with the bank tomorrow to cancel the payment they asked for

  5. ed says:

    I’ve just been contacted by HMH have been scamed befor so did not pay any money . is there anything i can do to help stop them from traiding (have led them on a bit are ringing back tomoro) . thanks for all the blogs found them very useful

  6. Jean-Claude says:

    Nous avons également versé 1.400 € à Holf Moon Holdings sur une vente de parts de Club Hotel Multivacances. Depuis, en dépit de nombreux rappels et de réponses qui se veulent rassurantes, nous sommes toujours renvoyés pour des raisons diverses. Nous allons de réponse dillatoire en réponse dillatoire.
    Que pouvons-nous faire?

  7. pinel says:

    je viens d’être la nouvelle victime de cette holding,qui m’a demandé une caution de 1400euros pour revevendre mes 2semaines à Marazul. que puis-je faire pour récupérer cette caution?

  8. Nelson says:

    It seems Half Moon are at it again. I have just been contacted by cold telephone call to say that an American couple had been flown over to Spain to have a presentation of membership of Full Circle Holidays. The price of membership had been quoted as £19,000 which they they thought was rather high! So they had come to Half Moon who had offered to obtain membership from someone who would be willing to sell. Problem was that they had to fly back to USA tomorrow. Would I like to receive £13,750 for my membership? They knew I had not used my membership for several years.

    It sounded very attractive so I asked them to go through the procedure; this included paying via credit card an “insurance bond” to ensure that I would release the membership documentation on receipt of the £13,750. Cost of the “bond” – €1,295.

    I have already been caught more than once with such an offer, so I declined.

    The irony is that several years ago I contacted Full Circle to see if there was any re-sale value for my membership. They told me that if I went to them directly they would let me join with NO INITIAL FEE – I would only have to pay the activation fee of £50 which was payable every year for as long as I wished to retain my membership.

    So on current evidence, Full Circle appears to be genuine, but Half Moon is dodgy

    • bdheng@gmail.com says:

      Yes a lovely lady calling herself Julie Bailey rang me regarding ownership of Full Circle which I did not know we had. Accidentally or deliberately she called me Mr Wade,then corrected herself because this was the name of the people wanting to buy. This Mr Wade had had exactly the experience described as Nelson’s prospective purchasers. First bad smelling rat. After checking details said she would phone back, which she did, confirming we had title but would need to sign an indemnity. OK then she went into great detail that they could not touch the money from their customer etc and my indemnity payment by credit card (had to start with a 4 or a 5) would be refunded by the couriers (DHL or another) when they collected the documents – a new one on me and probably DHL. Pointed out that my payment would be covered by the 1972 Credit card legislation if fraud or mis-reperesentation had taken place. Gave me company details and company registration number of B93063337. I could soon be expecting a call from their legal department etc. We were great friends till I said I would like a copy of the contract to look at She said I could not do that in case I copied it without copyright. However when I pointed out that in my commercial dealings I had never been refused a copy of a contract to inspect before signing, Again she tried the copyright line, but when I started getting insistent teh line went dead.

      Poor lady. I guess she had invested about 3/4 hour on the phone to me getting more and more confident that she had found a mark. What she did not know was that I was feeling poorly and not fit for much else, so it passed the time of day for me.

    • Diana says:

      I also have been conned and will now be contacting them again

  9. Pete says:

    About three years ago I bought a holiday club share memebrship, stupidly. Unlike me to be so rash. Tried to back out a few hours later but there was a clause in the contract that 3/4 of the fee was admin and that was not refundable even within the cooling off period. I got two weeks free holiday and a “free” city break with the share. I decided to take the holidays and forget about the share.
    I was contacted by Half Moon Holdings out of the blue a week ago asking if I wanted to sell the share. Yes I said go ahead. A week later was contacted again from HMH saying they had found a buyer and needed a holding fee paid from my CC – my wife actually, and she gave our CC details. They are still contacting me because I haven’t yet agreed to them using my CC. The protracted and seemingly complicated method of the transaction and the CC issue just rang too many warning bells.
    Glad i’ve seen this site that has confirmed my thoughts on the issue.
    Whether I cancel the CC now, I’m not sure.

  10. N says:

    Ann &Nick november 5,1212 Hi have been call by half moon holding tonigth, did not kown about them have given them my card number have phoned the bank hopefully thay can help Thankyou for the info

    • Chris M says:

      Hi just been contacted by HM Holdings took my details and will call me me back tomorrow can’t wait to wind them up. I have been called three times now by these type of companies and I try to collect as much evidence from them to help others. They must think I was born yesterday! I’ll post how I get on folks lol.

      • ChriS says:

        they didn’t ring back until today I’ve now asked the to send me the documents so I can look at them.

  11. just been call by hmholding offering to buy my dwv for 11800 with and up front fee of 1219 pounds
    is this a scam just to get money from me.

  12. Andrew says:

    I have been contacted twice – today buyer for 6500 pounds. Explained that I had a bad experience with a prior seller – Excalibur and I would have to check on the internet. Am not inclined to part with any cash!!!

    • Mark says:

      Please don’t. Total scam. I can’t believe they are still going. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MONEY. Total lies about what they can do for you and your ‘fully refundable” money will NEVER be returned. Fortunately, after a lot of hard work my money has been returned by my CC company for this and the original ILG scam. The CC companies should be getting a legal team together to nail these *ssh*les rather than keep paying out under Sect 75 of the CC act 1974. They need nailing to the wall. Soon.

      • Andrew ramsay says:

        thanks i wont be parting with any money had same problem with company called excalibur some years ago

  13. Frank says:

    This week I have been contacted by half moon holdings saying they have a buyer for our time share in Lanzerote gave name as David Scott , I gave my credit card no. for them to take 900 euros and have just been contacted by their finance dept his name was Fred Johnson as luck would have it while I was talking to this guy my wife found your website and I terminated the call and immediately phoned my credit card company and blocked the card, so thankfully no money has been taken

  14. joan says:

    I have been contacted by HM Holdings in July this year 2012. I was told that they are waiting to pay me a cheque for my RCI points that I have been trying to sell for a number of years.The last dealings I had was September 2011 when a company( not sure who they were as I had, had a number of calls from various companies)who was supposidly going to pay me. It didn’t happen and I was unable to make contact with them again. Then out of the blue I got this call saying the money was waiting for me. When I asked how much did they wanted from me,I was told that as I had already paid 995EU I didn’t have to pay anymore and the previous payment would be refunded on completion. “Is this a new tactick by them” What do I do now I ask, As they are not asking for anymore money up front and they have the cheque to pay me,what can I loose? Has anyone any advice to give a 78 year old pensioner who would benifit from the money having already lost a conciderable amount on earlier scams.This I am certain of, I will not pay any more money out to anyone who claimes to want to sell my Timeshare. I would very much appreciate some advice.

    • Hi Joan,
      Thanks for your comment on the blog.
      We are going to email you more information today about Half Moon Holdings and let’s see if we can help you with a refund request.
      If they have a cheque to be paid out, why don’t they just send it?
      Careful as they might start asking for other “fees” or “taxes” in order to release this money.
      Don’t pay a penny more.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

    • martin says:

      hi joan this martn i had the same response from this company ive just payed out £1300 for this company to sell my point and it should be refunded back on to my credit card on completion of the sale. i went on the internet to look up this company because they had rang me up yesterday verry convincing i rang my credit company up and put the payment in dispute as there for it takes 2 days before they can cash it so they wont be getting any money out of me .

  15. This comment has been sent to us by email in order to publish on the blog. It is the testimonial of a consumer who had dealings with Half Moon Holdings:


  16. Mark says:

    Final, final comment!!

    Well I did try to get my money back from HMH after the 12 months mentioned in the contract. MIKE HARRIS (dealt with him before) said that the 12 months is the period that HMH will market the DWVC membership. It is NOT the contract limit for returning your deposit and he kept quoting clause 1 of the contract which means the money will not get paid back until my ownership documents have been transferred after a sale. So unless there is a sale (which there never will be) they will NEVER return your money. Needless to say this is not what I was told in the initial cold call.

    Mr HARRIS even kindly offered to market my membership for a further 12 months for a discounted price of €900!! I had a good laugh at that one. Money already been returned by the CC company so Mr MIKE HARRIS if you are reading this, as I told you on the phone, all the information I have has been passed on to Glos. Trading Standards and Action Fraud. I really hope that the police catch up with all of you eventually.

    • Thanks for this Mark.
      These people are so tricky! You have to read the contract with such detail to actually notice that indeed you will never be refunded, there is no sale guaranteed at all, there is no mention that the second offer includes another payment and after all you paid for a 12 month marketing contract..
      Glad you had your money back!
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  17. Martin says:


    My Dad has been contacted by half moon holdings last week after being scammed for a travel club in 2009. They offered him £6500 for the rights if he paid an up front £900 fee, which he did. Since then ive been told and pointed out to him its a scam etc so he has requested his money back within the cooling off period and contacted his his bank who have advised him to cancel his card and send letter to HMH requesting the same.

    Is there anything else i need to do for him? or do you have any draught letters/adivce?

    Kind regards


  18. St Darley says:

    Everybody, please contact the Action Fraud website & report your experiences. With enough complaints, its the only way these people will get investigated…

  19. Lucy-Ann P says:

    I have become aware of Half Moon Holdings after my 82-yr old Mother asked me to take a message from them! I was immediately suspicious and googled them and found you here. I believe she has paid them a significant amount of money for a “resale” – obviously to a bogus company! I am very worried and would like to know if you can send me details of how to re-claim any money paid already. I would be so grateful. Thank you very much – Lucy-Ann

  20. Gill says:

    I was called by an Owen Jones from I think a company called Holiday Rental 3 days ago. Did I want to sell my timeshare in Lanzarote which he told me I’d bought in 88/89. I’d never used it and had forgottenabout it. and hadn’t paid maintainance.He asked me to pay approx 1/2 the maintainance fees which was £1014 and they’d pay the rest and get me £5000 for my Timeshare. Stupidly I agreed to do this on my credit card. They would pay it into an Esrow acc and in 3wks I’d get it back if I went ahead with the sale. The company on my credit card statment is International Torres DEl Mar Holiday Homes Direct. I was worrying about this when I saw your site and now I know I’ve been scammed. Can you help please.?

  21. Mark says:

    Final (?) update:

    I have received a letter from my CC company offering me the full amount back after 2 rejection letters. (I had written to them asking them to review the documentation I had provided them with and that the Financial Ombudsman was my next port of call.) I will be accepting the offer!!

    So if you are using Sect 75 of the CCA against your bank/CC company then don’t give up: the precedents are out there. I am now waiting on a final review from another CC company regarding the initial purchase of the DWVC membership from ILG. They too have rejected me twice.

    As for HMH: 31st March will be 12 months from the contract date and I will contact them for the return of my money. I’m not hopeful, and if it is not returned then all my documentation will be passed onto Trading Standards and, if required, the Police.

    Now all we need is for financial institutions to stop dealing with these scammers in the first place so they don’t end up praying on more people.

    • Hi Mark,
      Thanks for your comment, this is good news we like!
      You are so right there, don’t give up because the bank can really give you a hard time but those who insist will get there in the end!
      Customer Care

  22. Pam Austin says:

    Hi . Can I say to anyone why as been duped by Halfmoon Holdings. The clause the put in saying that if the sale falls through they will continue to try to sell your timeshare on the corporate market. BUT and this is a big BUT they forgot to add that they will ask for further money to do this, and THAT is where the contract isn’t worth the paper it is written on. They shot themselves in the foot another BUT you cannot contact them. HERE IS SOME GOOD NEWS I have been trying since July 2009 to get our money back from our debit card paymenty, I contacted the Financial Obudsman and last week we finally got a refund of the £500 that Halfmoon STOLE from us. Don’t give up, keep fighting. If you paid by debit/credit card you can claim your money back.

    • Mark says:

      Hi Pam. Well done on getting your money back. As I am going through the process myself I know how much work you must have put in.

      I have had 2 rejection letters from my credit card company and the Financial Ombudsman is my next port of call. I was wondering if I could get some details from you as your case is obviously a precedent that I could quote when I contact the FO. I don’t know if you even read this blog any more but if you do I would love to make contact. Maybe the best way would be to exchange hotmail email addresses that we set up just for this purpose. I am NOT interested in any personal details just enough info that I could quote to the FO, eg a case number?

      Anyway congrats again. You’ve given me a boost after my last rejection letter.

  23. Peter Brown says:

    I have only this morning found your website. I have already told you of an approach by Consultancy Investment Group. I have however previously been duped by HMH and parted with two lots of cash. They advised me of a certain buyer for my DWVC membership but of course nothing came of it. I was further conned into paying more money to become a member of Principle Travel in order to get all of my outlay back. What a gullible fool I have been, and am awaiting my credit cards decision to see if they can help me.
    No more Holiday clubs for me……….I have not even been able to arrange a holiday!

    Peter Brown

    • Pam Austin says:

      Hi Peter, wow how did you get duped a second time. I got scammed by Halfmoon July 2009 its only yesterday after a big battle that I was told by my bank that they are refunding cos I paid by debit card. They first said they couldn’t do anything as I had closed the account to stop this company taking any more money. I went to the Financial Obudsman. It took over a year but I got my money back, hope you get yours back too. Good luck.

  24. sam says:

    Very great post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to mention that I’ve really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. In any case I will be subscribing to your rss feed and I’m hoping you write again soon!

    • Pam Austin says:

      Hi Sam
      This company scammed me ijn 2009. I informed my bank and after numerous letters, phone calls etc finally my bank have agreed to refund my money with £50 extra for my incoonvenience as it has taken until yesterdauy 19th Jan to get my money back. This company were raided last year and have started up again. If you are contacted my ANY company by a man named Michael Harris, or a Kate Osborne, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM AND DO NOT PAY ANY MONEY. These two muppets are also going under different Christian names but still the same surnames, or something similar. Go to TATOC, and if you have paid by credit/debit card you can claim back on that.

  25. Patsy says:

    Half Moon Holding contacted me today saying they can sell my timeshare for £7,850. They gave me the talk about how I would get this money, then asked for 12,000 euros. I have lost £500 to DWC/Incentive Leisure when I paid a deposit on one of their talk. Didn’t feel right so I cancelled and refused to pay anymore money, they treaten to take me to court, and I called their bluff. Didn’t hear anything from them again. I am not losing anymore. Please please beware they are all scammers. Keep hold of your hard earn money.

    • don says:

      i have been aproached three times on three consecutive days by three diferent companys wanting to buy my platignum cub card ie bluechip/half moon holdings and summersun thanks to your piece on the net i told them all were to go many thanks

    • Pam Austin says:

      Hi Patsy, it seems crazy that you were asked for e12,000 to get back £7,850. This company are scammers, I had a contract and when it ran out they offered to keep selling our timeshare points on the corporate market. This is their way of saying they have kept trying to sell your timeshare, and so they think its a cop-out. Ony problem is they shot themselves in the foot by asking me for a further e1,000. My husband and I had already given them £500. Drop them like a hot brick if they contact you again.

  26. Vanessa says:

    I have had a call from this company today, purporting to have sold my timeshare and that the buyers have left a 40% deposit, we would have to pay 1290 euros upfront but then get our money back in 4 – 6 weeks when the sale goes through. I asked them for proof of the buyers deposit, all I got was an email, I asked them to take these guarantee costs from the price that the buyer is paying, said that not standard practice. I am not parting with any cash anyway, thought it was a scam, not paying money before getting any money, thanks but no thanks !

    • Pam says:

      Hi Vanaessa, very wise. We lost £500 to these sick people. Don’t know how they would feel if their pensioner parents were scammed like this. We have been on holiday in Spain and discovered that the police shut them down but they have reopened. They are scammers. Beware of Halfmoon holdings, they also go under other names.

  27. Kerry says:

    My mum had a phone from this company and has paid the up front fee via credit card and now the company since mid novemeber have been saying that they are waiting for money to be transferrred from the buyer and now today they are saying that the buyer is away to get a loan. I now believe this is a scam. And probably nothing can be done . This company should be shut done

    • Hi Kerry,
      Thanks for your message.
      We will send you an email with more information and let’s see if we can help to recover the money your mother paid them.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  28. Bryan Hodgson says:

    Have received calls from R.S.Mediation re refund of monies re time share, they require a up front fee for court fees. have you heard of this company and is it a legal requirement for court fees to be paid before action can be taken

  29. tina says:

    i got my money back!!!!!!!! they get you if you sign the “so called contract” just been crying with relief!!!!

    • Pam Austin says:

      They got £500 from us, they are ruthless. Reported them to TATOC. There is also a Halfmoon Holidays and other names they go under, also beware of Silverlink, (or similar name) they get to to a presentation and start with showing pics of their family, give you lunch, and then………….well you know the rest, fortunately we were not taken in by them.

  30. Margaret Gould says:

    This scam goes on and today I was contacted by Half Moon Holdings offering £12,000 for our DWVC membership. All very plausible but i bought some time and found your website – very grateful. I am happy to report this but is it the police who take it up or the Fraud Office people? I have now refused to discuss this with HM Holdings and will take it no further but I am sickened that this never seems to end. Is it worth while going after DWCV or is it a waste of time? Thanks for your help.

    • Dear Margaret,
      Thanks for your comment. We are very pleased you found the blog on time.
      We will send you more infomation about DWVC, and if you have paid with credit card and it wasn’t longer than 6 years ago, it is worth a try!
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

      • Mark says:

        Interesting that Margaret was offered £12000 just a week ago. I have just been asked to sign a form REDUCING the sale price of my DWVC membership from £5500 to £3000 because HMH are finding it difficult to market (due to websites like this one!!!)!!

        Here are copies of 2 posts I recently made on another of your blogs just in case it prevents anyone else getting caught.

        16 Nov 11:
        “Well HMH must be having a busy month. Like Alison above, I too have today had the resale offer to shift my DWVC membership. Again all I have to do is pay €1690 (on top of the €1295 that I paid in April) and I will be the proud owner of Principle Travel membership which ran an exhibition at the end of October and has lots of interested buyers. Kate (Osbourne?) said that this was a totally different sale to the original one that had fallen through hence the extra payment.

        I did not turn her down. On the contrary I said I was delighted she had a sale for me and that I would be more than willing to pay the extra cost, but since this was a ‘totally different’ sale I would like a new contract for this sale. To keep things nice and neat I asked her to refund my €1295 and then I would pay the whole €2985 she was asking for the corporate sale. So I have stuck to my side of the existing contract.

        After a small attempt at saying this wasn’t possible she relented and said that she would have to contact the Sales Dept (so what dept is she in then???!!!) to see if that would be possible. She is going to get back to me in writing by the end of the week.

        I would put that I will keep you all posted as to how I get on but I think we all know the answer already.

        Meanwhile the battle with my credit card company has yet to commence.”

        November 30, 2011 at 1:55 pm
        Well, as expected, after some stalling I was called by Mike Harris who basically refused to refund my deposit money back and “reminded” me that I was still under contract. I pointed out that what HMH was asking me to do was add more money to the sum already paid in order to buy into Principle Travel membership which would then lead to a corporate sale, and that this represented a huge change in the terms of our contract. Despite me being willing to go ahead with this and have HMH refund my deposit and then start the process afresh Mr Harris refused point blank to refund my money. He kept quoting clause 1 of the contract which means the money will not get paid back until my ownership documents have been transferred after a sale.

        He also tried to get me to sign a document adjusting downwards the value of my DWVC to make it more marketable. Apparently there is a lot of bad press and blogs on the internet bad mouthing the wonderful DWVC membership benefits which is making it hard for them to sell!!!!!?? Although it doesn’t say so on the document my suspicion is that if I sign and adjust the selling price then this will be used to reset the 12 month clock that HMH have to market the membership. Naturally I declined his offer.

        I have now asked for a full refund 4 times in writing and twice on the phone. The emails were ignored and yesterday I finally had a point blank refusal from Mr Harris who is now trying to turn the refundable security deposit into a marketing fee for HMH. I don’t know how these people go home to their families at night.

        I am waiting to hear back from my CC company.”

        Best of luck to all those who have been caught up in this.

  31. Tim Evans says:

    A nice, very plausible lady called Laura Hill phoned me. Luckily as my wife was out she didn’t process the payment I made. I checked with Club Class. My credit card cancelled it preemptively and then I found this website. Big PHEW! Tim Evans

  32. scott says:

    this is now november and looking back over your site this scam has been going on for an awful long time.
    my partner was contacted by a kate rodgers on wednesday 2nd nov offering her £8000 for her timeshare and yes she fell for it £1200 upfront on the credit card
    unfortunately she has only just shown me the letter which screams scam at me, is 2 working days too late to cancel the payment?

    regards scott

    • Hi Scott,
      Thanks for your message.
      Contact you bank / credit card provider urgently as it is only recent and they might be willing to cancell this payment straight away.
      Also send urgently a cancellation letter by recorded delivery to Half Moon Holdings.
      We will send you more info by email, but please do contact your bank today!
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

      • Brian says:

        I read this one with interest the reason being when I called my credit card to cancel a payment they told me they cant cancel as it against the credit card charter as a credit card payment once give a payment number is a guaranteed payment all I can do is to claim my money back by cancelling the order/deal.
        I learn so much from this blog this is why I read everything I get emailed.

      • Thanks Brian,
        Yes a lot of banks will not help with a cancellation but still we do get the comments from consumers who were so lucky that their bank did cancell the payment straight away, or at least flagged it off as possible fraud and didn’t release the fund to the dubious company either.
        So yes, good news for a lot of people.
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

  33. Tony Fidgett says:


    I have had Adrian Rhodes from HM Holdings on the same tel no on the phone for well over an hour. he wanted to buy my timeshare. All sounded very rational and above board – oh and just send him 995 Euros…
    While he was on the line I found this site. So glad – saved me from wasting (yet again) a pot of money I can ill afford.
    Tony Fidgett

  34. Albert Hope says:

    From Al. H
    Had a call from Half Moon Holdings today offering £4000 for my Club Class holding. Peter Moore said it wouldn’t cost me anything, but later said that he needed my credit card number.
    I refused but he said the 1395 Euros would be returned after HMH had the documents. I put him off until tomorrow as I was preparing lunch, but I will await his e-mail.
    This follows a call from a company that told me they could obtain money back from DWVC after the UK Government had sued, and DWVC was in liquidation.
    Do you have any details if that is true?
    Great site. Glad I checked on HMH. Thanks

    • Mike Blaxall says:

      Hi Albert,

      Just believe me. they can’t get any money back from DWVC.

      DWVC were fraudsters, as are Half Moon Holdings, scammers, cheats, scum !

      I have had dealing with both companies, to my regret. It is true the UK Government sued Gary Leigh of DWVC, and won their case, and he had to pay £35,000.

      Not a bad return for the millions he scammed out of his clients ! and the money the UK government won is NOT for paying out to any other person.

      DWVC have gone into Liquidation and Keith Lawrence who is in charge of winding up DWVC confirms there is NO money for anyone now, so just accept this, unless you want to be scammed again, and again, and put a line under the whole bad experience, I know it is hard to accept the loss, but if you don’t then it will increase

      I have listed the name of the local Policeman from Malaga who is dealing with this, so you need to advise him, and stop people acting out of the Malaga area from trying to scam others.

      Your only hope is that when you paid DWVC that you paid on a Credit Card, and under section 75 of the Credit Card Act you can reclaim you money back within a 6 year period, the banks won’t like you doing it, but just quote this Act and they have no choice then but to refund you.
      Mike Blaxall

    • Hi Albert,
      We are going to send you all the info by email.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  35. mike says:

    We have also had calls from The National Claims Group, but their documents refer to Claim Specialist Group Ltd. who appear here. So I assume they are dodgy too. For your information their web site is http://www.thenationalclaimsgroup.co.uk. Thanks

  36. mike says:

    Been contacted by Half Moon Holdings last week. Made the credit card company aware and waiting to see if we can get the “deposit” back. Recieved documents from them; is it bes to just ignore that?


  37. peter says:

    Hello everyone

    Watch out for the follow up scam where they ask for another £1650. They claim to have new offer from Principaly Travel. I have been ripped off once by Half Moon but not a penny more. Asked them to prove they had sold successfully for anyone they couldn’t wouldn’t give any details told them they were scammers woman mumbled that they would find a private buyer. More Lies to follow no doubt!

    • Dear Peter,
      This is their “newest” part of the pitch, the first sale falls through but you have then the offer to buy into another holiday membership…you refuse…that’s was the second offer, and they claim they fullfilled the contract…
      You are sure right there, watch out for them and probably more to come..
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  38. Barbara Shaw says:

    i have spent a lot of time trying to sell my points and have done a lot of reseach and have come to belive you can not trust anyone . was contacted by someone from hm holdings and she told me she was a member of resort developmemt organisation which i was told by someone from tatoc that was good but have found by going on to your site that hm holdings to which she gave me as her e mail address is dodgy so thankyou will not be selling my points to that company .just wish there were some one ouy there who could tell me how to get an honest buyer .

    • Dear Barbara,
      Thanks for your message.
      Half Moon Holding is certainly not affiliated to RDO or TATOC! Unbelievable they are now putting that into their pitch.
      Thanks for letting us know.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  39. june spiers says:

    Hi can anone advise me on how to get my money back from half moon holdings they rang me last thursday saying they had buyer for our membership and wanted money up front for legal fees nd i paid it after finding this site and reading the comments this is a scam can anyone help please.

    • wendy stallard says:

      contact credit card company or bank they will help or fsa

    • julie godfrey says:

      my dad as just got his back from his bank

      • Great news Julie! Well done!

      • Brian says:

        Always nice to read a success story but the thing I can never understand is that these people will continue to get money from unsuspecting people and the banks will continue to pay it back to us.
        There does not seem any procedure for the banks to refuse to pay the scam people in the first place they just seem happy to lose money hand over fist.
        Surely to god if the banks put a stop on payments to these unscrupulous people they would soon disappear. I know that if I was to lend money to anyone and they didn’t pay it back they would never get any more from me. However, I am not a bank.

  40. Ian says:

    hi over the last couple of days I have been contacted by HM HOLDINGS saying they have someone ready to buy my lifetime holiday points but they need money upfront to secure the deal they say they have the deposit of the buyers after some investigating I found this site when I spoke to mark devine [ H M ] HE COULD NOT GIVE ME ANY ANSWER he said its amatter of trust and if there was anything wrong why have the police or goverment not shut them down have any body got any answers please and does anybody know were to sell life time points with out being scammed

    • Dear Ian,
      Thanks for the comment.
      Well if it is a matter of trust, why don’t they do the sale and charge you the commission from the money they send you when all is done?
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

      • Ian says:

        Thanks customer care because of this site we told H M Holding no deal that they were a team of scam artists but they will carry on because our systems allows them to and yes people will fall but with sites like this it does help my wife & I PRAY that our systems police , banks wake up and take better care of its clients thats us short story a young lady wanted to earn extra money and she recieved a cheque paid it in to her account bank told her 21 days after 7days she got notification the money was in her account so she used it a couple weeks later the bank phoned the cheque bounced now she has to pay back with interest we live in a sick world we can not trust our own banks

        thanks again for this site
        regards Ian

      • Dear Ian,
        Thanks for your message and your kind words about our site.
        We indeed need the help of the banks more and they should stand up for their customers a bit more.
        But if we keep insisting we will get there. A lot of comments on this blog are already stating the banks were helpful and a lot of people are getting a refund thanks to their bank.
        There are also banks who even tell the customer not to pay certain money as they feel the company looks dodgy.
        So let’s hope they all can do this eventually and customers are more protected.
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

  41. cath says:

    Received a call today from half moon holdings. Woman called Emma Banks- offer to buy our holiday club membership. tel 08448228128. Husband said he needed to talk to me! Can not believe this is still happening when clearly all these people have been ripped off for nearly a year. I will report number to police as advised in your blog. Thankyou . How do they sleep at night??

  42. alan hutchinson says:

    sarah tyler called me last week and offered me £5,200 for each week then said the 2 weeks equate to £10,500 great i thought up another £100 must be the exchange rate obviously i had to send 1,395 euros just by giving my credit card details to a complete stranger

    • alan hutchinson says:

      ps sorry it was hm holdings i was talking about but sarah gave me some good advise that by paying with a master or credit card i would be able to claim the money back if anything went wrong

      • Dear Alan,
        Thanks for your message.
        Good advise? Yes you can claim a refund, but it takes time and a lot of energy as Half Moon won’t give in to the bank that easy!
        We advise Sarah to read the Timeshare Directive where the taking of deposits has been banned and should not happen in the first place.
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

      • julie godfrey says:

        my dad as just got a refund from his bank thanks to the advice i was given by this site

  43. gordon kenneth neill says:

    hi all gordon neill here i have been contacted over the last few days from HM HOLDINGS malaga a serah tyler offered me a whopping £40.000 for my points with DRI .knew it was too good to be true and my suspicions were confirmed when she asked for 1400 euros as a retainer.asked her to call back whilst i investigated the company,needless to say she will not.so glad i found this site keep up the good work.thankyou.people please beware of these this company and others like them trust no one who calls on your phone.

  44. jayne joyce says:

    So glad i came across this site saved me some money. Have been approached by Half Moon Holdings who informed me that DWVC had gone into liquidation January of this year. do you know if this is true? We were called by Oliver Laurance regarding the sell of our holiday informing us that the holiday was worthless but they would give us £6500 for it but we needed to pay a lawyers bond of 1295 Euros. Completion would take 4-6 weeks. Have we any hope of getting any money for this holiday that we don’t use.

    • Hi Jayne,
      We are also very happy you found the blog on time as this is always very good news!
      Regarding DWVC we will send you more info by email and take it from there, ok?
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  45. Mike Blaxall says:

    I was approached by Half Moon Holdings, who claimed the dealing I had with Incentive leisure who are now in liquidation, still had some value to it, and they came back to say it was the membership they wanted to buy for thousands of pounds and put it all in an email to me.

    Keith Lawrence is responsible for the winding up of the Incentive Leisure group, and he says ” There is NO money to be had for anyone ” your membership is not worth anything now, these people are SCAMMERS, FRAUDSTERS, THIEVES, CROOKS and the scum of this earth, and I have told them so.

    If you have paid to any of them, money by a Credit Card in the last 6 years, then you can reclaim it back, under section 75 of the credit card act.

    If it was taken by a Debit Card in the last three months and five days, then you can also reclaim your money back from your bank under the Distant Transactions Act, have a word with your Citizens advise center, or solicitor, and they will tell you have to make your claim.

    Did you ever wonder how these people got all your details ! it’s once you have been scammed, they pass all your details from one to the other, all saying, “this is another mug who will send you money ! “.

    Remember honest people don’t make such contacts with you, and if you have a caller ID at home, then take their number, and report it to the British Embassy who are working with Interpol at present, to stamp out these fraudsters, and I am sorry to say, these are not Spanish people, but British people now living in Spain !.

    • Hi Mike,
      Many thanks for your comment and the advice on the refund claim.
      You are right about the details, these companies are very likely to sell on the lists they have with consumer names, and that is how you keep on getting called over and over again.
      Best thing to do is to report them!
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  46. Maureen Surman says:

    Today I received a call from Kate Power of Half Moon Holdings. She gave details of our DWVC membership and asked if we wanted to sell. They had buyers who probably couldn’t afford to purchase the full package but would take a ‘second-hand’ one. If we were willing to sell she would put it at the next ‘presentation’. She is ‘supposedly’ sending out to me the paperwork to fill lin but I very much doubt this will happen as I explained that this was about the 4/5th cold call I had had from different companies wishing to purchase, most of whom I had subsequently found were ‘scammers’.

    • Dear Maureen,
      Thanks for the message.
      By reading the messages from the other consumers you know now that Half Moon Holdings has always a buyer waiting when they call you…and as always the sale does not go through…but you won’t be told that part of the pitch until they have your money.
      Make sure they don’t get hold of your credit card details. Paying them money is a big mistake.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  47. Diana says:

    Like numerous other people, my husband and I became DWVC members in November 2007 which we never used due to the unavailability of suitable and affordable holidays. After making enquiries about selling, my husband received a call from Half Moon Holdings in April this year and after subsequent calls we agreed to pay them £520 (600 Euros) which they had reduced as we are pensioners and my husband was due to undergo major surgery. Whilst recovering from the surgery my husband searched online and found that ILG was now in administration/receivership? from earlier in the year and he wondered how HMH could offer to sell our membership as it obviiously no longer exists.

    Are you able to send us any information to help us claim back what we paid to HMH and also DWVC/ILG? We would be most grateful.

  48. John & June Crofts says:

    In the last 48 hours we have received 2 calls from Sarah Brown at HMH offering a large amount of money for a short time DWVC membership. When we asked for the offer to be put in writing we were told “we are not paid to do this” I cannot understand why any one would part with money on a phone call alone as the telephone number they called us on was NUMBER WITHELD.
    Keep up the good work, is there some way we could join a club and could be contacted with the latest scams.
    John & June

    • Dear John and June,
      Thanks for your comment!
      We are glad you found us on time.
      Yes you can subscribe to the blog and receive an email message everytime we post a new alert.
      On the main page on the right hand side there is a place to fill in your email and subscribe.
      We actually put that in place so consumers like you will be alert.
      We feel it is less trouble deleting an email message that might not affect you than searching the web for information on a company that has cold called you and taken your money.
      Kind regards
      Customer Care

  49. Christine McGuire says:

    We have also been contacted by Sally Jones from Half Moon Holdings several times over the past few weeks re resale of DWVC membership. Also been contacted by other similar companies in the past and thought it was a scam cos too good to be true. Same story they want 1200 euros and they have a buyer who will pay £7000 plus for our membership. (which incidentally cost £1500 several years ago). We have hardly used this as practically worthless and will not be sending them any money up front. When she rings on Monday think I will suggest they deduct the fee from the final figure as Alan suggested. I was also contacted by a woman who said she was from a fraud investigation co who were looking into these callers but unfortunately I did not get her name or a number but it looks from these comments that someone is onto them. Many thanks Christine McGuire & Mark Hornby

  50. Beki says:

    Hi, we were approached by HM Holdings in march for our discovery holiday membership and stupidly went ahead, on the understanding that no payment would be taken until the sale had been fully completed and funds transferred. It was’nt until we received our credit card statement a month later that the money had already been taken out, BEFORE we had even received the paperwork or signed anything. When I contacted them to complain, i was advised by the admin team that we would have been advised by the accounts team at the time that payment would be immediate!!! They did’nt as we would’nt have given our details. 4 months on our supposed sale fell through and is now up for sale again. Wish this had been out in March, I spent 2 weeks researching HM Holdings before going ahead with the sale but couldn’t find anything bad. I even searched their company reg number!!!
    We have also been approached this week by what we think is another bogus company doing the rounds called Consuldat Solution Services???? Has anyone dealt with this company before, they sound exactly the same as G&G Representations, who you have reported on this site. Unfortunately we cant find anything about them other than their website, which is how we’ve stumbled on this and TATOC site and found out about HM Holdings.

    • Alan Squires says:

      Been contacted by Sally Jones, Half Moon Holdings, this afternoon re sale of DWVC time share. Came back to me within 2 hours stating a buyer had been found and prepared to pay £8500. Usual story after this, stating the need for deposit of 1200 euros by credit card. Told her to knock it off the £8500, but she stated she couldn’t because of European Law. She then became quite aggressive when I suggested it was a scam and finally hung up when she realised no money was going to be paid. Many thanks for your site.

      • Thank you Alan for putting a comment on the blog.
        Yes it seems that lately they are not taking a no for an answer and become quiet upset with their customers.
        But don’t be surprised if you receive a call in the near future again as they don’t seem to note on their lists what the reply was of the customer.
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

  51. Elizabeth K White says:

    Yes, I have parted with £1000.00 to sell my membership of DWVC in return for £8300.I told them
    I thought they were a scam—- they were so convincing. Jeff Mears,Katie Rogers(manager)
    Accounts Dpt. Michael Harris. All very well spoken individuals, they really “take you in”.
    Everything is legally insured etc.Amber rang yesturday 26th July. Convincing me again and again
    everything would go ahead as they had explained, it would take 2-3weeks and we would get our deposit back!!! Now having found your website this AM I have to be trying to get my deposite back.
    I am wishing like everybody else I had found you first.

  52. Dee says:

    Hi all, has anybody else been targeted by INVICTA SOLUTIONS, or ITRA (International Timeshare Refund Action) ??
    We are frequently cold called by ‘introductory agents’ who will arrange a meeting with ‘business clients’ who want to purchase timeshares- one of the most persistent being Invicta Solutions-who say they have local offices at Hale, Cheshire and keep trying to get us there. They say no-fees payable up front, as all fees payable by the purchaser, and the meet will take an hour so they can check our documents, and that our mainenance fees are fully up to date. ? another scam??
    ITRA are different, they want more signatures ( seem to have a deadline thats fluid for this action), & to arrange we meet up and sign a group action on basis of escalating maintenance fees, or various other reasons why they can help people get compensation of around £3000 eg mis-selling, fees etc etc. They are very persistent & recently have offered to send someone to my home to carry this out as ‘we now have people in your area for people who cannot attend meetings’. Can anybody shed any light on INVICTA or ITRA please ? I am very dubious of any cold callers, but like others would like to be free from my timeshare that was supposed to be for 20 years, yet surprise surprise does not have any timescale on the ‘deed’!!
    THIS WEBSITE IS BRILLIANT, and wish I had found it sooner. Thanks, and Good luck to everyone.

  53. Brian says:

    If we read this cleverly worded statement we will see that your money may never be returned to you.
    The statement clearly says “refunded back to you on completion of a successful sale or transfer”

    The “normally takes 4-6 weeks” is only normally so you can bet you bottom dollar, (no sorry you just paid that the them), bet you socks that this one will be abnormal !

    As long as a sale is not completed then you don’t get a penny back, that’s the agreement you make with them is it not ??

    The one BIG message this forum shouts loud and clear is never part with money in the first place.

    It is just a shame that many people, including myself, do not find this forum until it is too late.

  54. Ken Robson says:

    We have been contacted by HM Holdings. Very insistant with us, ringing 4 times. I asked for an email to confirm what they were offering, so I have cut & paste it for you all to see, and may be of help to you. I was supprised to receive an offer as ours run out 3 or 4 years ago……. I checked them out, and found this VERY USEFUL site, thankyou…….this is the email we received…………………


    Dear Mr. & Mrs. Robson

    Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Further to our discussion we are writing with the information as requested.

    The temporary retainer is 1295€ as previously mentioned. The 1295€ will be refunded back to you on completion of a successful sale or transfer of documentation and the time period for a successful completion is normally 4 to 6 weeks.

    Holiday Ownership: DWVC

    Selling Price: £6,500.00

    If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Yours sincerely

    Christine Ryder

    Sales Division

    Half Moon Holdings

    0844 822 8128


    CIF B93063337

  55. Ho Hum. They are still trying this scam on. I received the ‘cold call’ from Maureen, she went through the patter and asked for ‘money up front’ (1300 Euros). I asked for her to email the info which she sort of did in the form of an email basically asking for the money with a web page address. WOW there is a web page with the address and phone number and would you believe it ‘its in Spain’. Yeah a scam!
    Taking a long time to stamp out, why cant the web page be closed down.

  56. Brian says:

    You are absolutely correct in your thinking.

    The problem the credit card company faces is that when a company applies for the facility they are to all intent and purpose a real company all be it with no history of trading.
    The credit card company has no choice but to take them on perhaps even at face value but I suspect they do some form of checking.
    We also need to balance our judgement on how much the card company is making from the scam company against how many reclaims are received and as long as the card company is on the best side of the sums then they will keep going. Remember not everyone claims on the credit card there are many unfortunate people out there who just do not know they can do that.

    It is for that reason I place so much value on blog sites like this one as it informs and educates people as to what can be done about the scam.

    I personally believe that entering a post on here is only part of the task in hand. We really do need to tell as many people we know about this site.
    We need to tell anybody who owns time share or other such memberships along with people who do not. This is the only way we can get the message over and band together to stop the scams as best we can.
    For every scam company we help to close down another will open so I feel our mission is going to be a long fight but a fight we can win if we all band together and get the message over.

    I feel this site is one brilliant way to do that so please keep posting.

  57. Paul Wright says:

    Surely these scams could be stopped if Credit card companies were more careful in their issuing of their facilities to such companies as HM holdings,I.L.G. etc.?After they surely stand to lose when people claim for non-supply of promised “services”.

  58. Brian says:

    If you had of gone ahead with it you would soon discover that your buyer had pulled out as they could not raise the funds needed but HM Holdings are so good they now have a holiday company in USA who wants to buy it but they want a really fast completion.

    To get this through quickly please give another large sum of money to HM Holdings but do it by direct bank transfer not credit card as credit cards take too long for the cash to get into the account. (remember a bank transfer is not covered by any insurance).

    If you refuse to do this as I did then they would ask you if you would be prepared to go to Spain to complete and I think we know why they ask that.

    Well done Steve, glad you found this extremely useful site in time.

    • Thanks Brian, you are right! They like bank transfers, but that might be because at this moment in time they must have more refund requests from credit card payments than actual payments coming in!


      Customer Care

  59. Steve says:

    Hi There, Just been offered £7850 from Sallty Jones at hm holdings for DWVC product. The sale came back within 24 hours of talking to her so i was suspicious. She then asked for £1200 holding deposit which sounded really, really dodgy. I asked for her website to check and came across you. Thank you very much for your time, help and vigilance. I certainly will NOT be progressing and my heart goes out to those who have been ripped off.


    • Dear Steve,
      Thanks for your comment. I am very pleased you found our blog on time and didn’t pay them a penny. Good for you! The people that did pay are very successful in requesting their refund but obviously it is always better not having paid anything.
      Customer Care

  60. Brian says:

    Well I sincerely hope you have no intention of going out to Spain to conduct a deal which does not exist.
    If you did go you would find the so called buyer had pulled out the deal but if you now attend a sales meeting you may be able to save something or other. This would involve you in a half or even full day of pressure sales as they attempt to get you to “improve” on what you already have.

    It would be a day in hell I assure you and you will return home either several thousands of pounds lighter or so angry you could boil.

    My advice as a person who fell for it is…..STAY WELL CLEAR.

    I lost a lot of money through this sort of scam having been promised cash back with Incentive Leisure. The cash back was due this month when I was supposed to return my forms and we all know what has happened with that company.

  61. Jane F says:

    A company based at Ringcon Holiday Park Village in Spain phoned my husband last week about buyng our definct holiday club membership, he told them he would speak to me and they should phone back. They phoned back today, a Donna Read. She quoted £7,000 – £8.000 as the amount we could expect to receive but 1st we needed to pay £1,750 so they would be certain we would sign the relevant documents. I suggested that they could come to my house and we could conduct the exchange of documents and monies, Donna said that the company do not have offices in the UK. I then proposed that we could go out to Spain an finalise the sale there, Donna agreed this was a possibility but that we would have to pay for fights and accommodation and stay for 3 days as the money transfer would take time.€
    Donna is phoning back on Friday, should be an interesting chat!
    Thank you for confirming my suspicions

    • Dear Jane,

      Thanks for your comment on the blog and the details of the people that called you. Luckily you know now that they are not to be trusted and the follow up call will be a short one as they normally hang up straight away once they realize you are not going to pay a penny.

      Let us know the outcome.


      Customer Care

  62. kirsty says:

    Like the poster above we have been phoned by “0034952547486” saying they will pay £3000 for my timeshare – I know full well its not worth that!

  63. s edyvean says:

    has anybody been contacted by a company called holiday rentals direct .eu about the sale of there timeshare i have the guys name is darren roberts phone nos 0034952547486 0034622148778 i would be very greatful of any feed back thanks

    • Dear Mr Edyvean,

      Thanks again for participating in our blog and alerting us about the companies that are cold calling you.
      This one seems to be a new one, although the signs are not good, they cold call and we have consumers who have been requested an upfront fee of 1800€!

      Not really a recommendable way of working.
      We would like to hear from others who have also been called by this company.


      Customer Care

    • slavi says:

      I have been contacted,from the same company(Holiday rentals direct)Tel,0034952547486.They offer us £14.000 for my timeshare.and the same,they wont 1190 eros up front.

      • Dear Slavi,
        Thanks for the message.
        I hope that after reading this blog you are not considering even to pay these people.
        They are bad news!
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

  64. brian says:

    I am sure you will find that a cold call is against the rules but if this company want money up front then YES they are bogus I would have nothing to do with them.
    I would confirm the information given to you and hand it all over to the appropriate legal departments.
    I am no expert on this just a person who has been scammed and learned the hard way.

    • s edyvean says:

      thankyou Brian that is exactly what i thought same scam different sales pitch will send all the details tomorrow when i get home from work any feed back is great and if another company is on the scene trying to scam people we must bring it out

  65. s edyvean says:

    once again i have been called again about the sale of my time share different company told me i could check up on internet about his company he all legal and above board gave me his e mail and 2 phone nos sadly i left all details at work but will get them tomorrow i trust no one any more no matter how genuine they sound am i right in thinking if some one is calling me when i have not advertised the sale they are bogus ???????

  66. brian says:

    This is such a familiar story and you are not alone with it.

    I suggest you contact trading standards and TATOC the latter will inform the police and give you a crime number for your credit card claim, as one thing is for sure you have been scammed just like the rest of us on here.

    If you paid by credit card (and I hope you did) then start calling Half Moon Holdings every day and keep a log of your calls for about a week or so. Make sure you state that you are no longer interested and want a full refund.
    Also send them a REGISTERED SIGNED FOR delivery letter saying you want a refund and keep the postal receipt and a copy of the letter.

    Once you have done the above then get on to your credit card and ask for a refund under section 75 see this web site


    I did all the above and had my money back inside two weeks.

    It is my belief that the “scammer” knows you will get your money back through section 75 so they are really targeting the credit card company not you.

    One thing is for sure…..

    If you do nothing………….

    You will get NOTHING…..

    Good luck and please keep us all up dated on what you do it will help a lot more people who visit here.

    • Brian,

      The best all victims can do is joining efforts. One victim can not prove fraud alone, you need to join efforts. It would be easier. United we stand.

      Customer care.

  67. Craig Goddard says:

    I was contact by Half Moon Holding on the 24th April regaring the sale of my club diamond points. They said the sale of my points wouldn’t take any longer than 8 weeks to complete. I am still in touch with them on the 0844 tel no. However, Juliet Mils just keeps saying to me that they are waiting for the funds to be transfer by the buyer. The buyer is trying to obtain a loan to pay for my points. Unfortunately I pay the 1125 Euros as a refundable deposit was the sale had been completed. Nearly 3 months down the line and nothing has changed apart from my bank balance.

    With them continuing to answner the phone, I am still hoping. I just think it’s false hope.

    Costly lesson learnt

  68. Brian says:

    5 July 2011
    Another call today from HalfMoon Holdings same scam different person this time it was a female.

    This is the third call this week and it is only Tuesday this is now bordering on harassment.
    There must be something we can do about this but I have no idea what it is can anyone help.

    • Dear Brian,

      Thanks for your comment. It is indeed extremely annoying the way these companies keep on harassing the people at their homes with their fake offers and dubious services.
      You can report the cold calls with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – http://www.ico.gov.uk – which is now the watchdog responsible for guarding British nationals personal information, and which it has been granted new powers to hunt down bogus firms and fine them up to £500,000, and able to force telecoms, and internet providers, to reveal the details of any firm cold calling, as unsolicited phone calls, texts and emails are forbidden under UK Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations.

      Maybe if all people involved do the same, it will make a difference.


      Customer Care

  69. Brian says:

    Yesterday (4th July 2011) I received yet another call form Half Moon Holdings offering to sell my membership.
    They started as usual by asking if I would like to sell so I decided to play along with them and said I would be delighted to sell.
    Oh good says this guy and believe it or not, they even had a buyer all ready and waiting for me all that was needed was for me to pay that dreadful fee.

    Aha says me, this is where we can do a deal.

    How do you mean asks the lovely helpful gentleman.

    OK says me as I am a businessman I can see a benefit here which would give us both some money.
    Because you have a buyer sitting there waiting to buy my membership why dont you put the funds up front and deduct it from my sale and even take a share of my sale, shall we say perhaps 10%.
    Cant do that say my lovely gentleman we need your documents.
    Look says me, if you want me to trust you then you must trust me as well so do we have a deal or not.
    For some unknown reason, perhaps a fault on the line, the phone went dead.

    • Dear Brian,

      Many thanks for your comment on the blog and the almost funny description of your dealings with Half Moon Holdings. I say almost, because bottom line is of course that it is actually a sad case that companies like this keep on calling and harassing people until they get what they want; their money. Reading the different comments on the blog you can see they have no “feelings” at all, and anybodies money is good for the scam.

      I am glad you didn’t go for it, and also very thankful that you share the experience with us and with the other consumers visiting the blog. I am sure it will give other people also strength when they have them on the phone and know how to say no to these kind of offers.

      Kind regards,

      Customer care.

  70. Helen says:

    We would like to sell our Holiday membership & have also been contacted by HM Holdings Ltd. We haven’t agreed to anything as have just found your blog. Have found a company online called Terminate my timeshare.co.uk, could you please let me know whether the are a really company or not? Or could you provide a real company we could use to sell our Holiday club membership?

    Thanks again for your blog it has been very helpful as we keep getting cold callers calling us about selling our holiday club membership.

    • s edyvean says:

      i have never heard of this company and sadly it seems we are all stuck with these time shares all told lies when we bought them. we were told if we were not happy after 3years they would buy it back from us until someone can find a loop hole in the contracts i think we will be stuck with them forever no matter what

  71. wendy sivori says:

    i was contacted three months ago april 2011 by HM holdings they said they would call back in three days after selling my time share, never heard from them since, however yesterday 20/06/2011 i was ocntacted by a new company called True Valid M J Finacial services by an Alison Stevens saying she could sell my time share for £4500 and would contact me on the thurs 23/06/2011 saying if it was sold. she also explained that if they did sell my time share i would have to pay£850 upfront but would then get my money back from the purchaser. has anybody else heard of this company? i dont trust them!!

  72. Leonard Gilbank says:

    This site has been very rewarding, we also have and continue to get phone calls from HM Holding,total to date 5 in last 3 months first from A Steel, then last one today from A Harris. I have continued to say NO, but sadly I think they are just not able to understand NO for an answer. The name gave it away for us.

    • Dear Leonard,

      Many thanks for your comment.
      I am very pleased to see that my blog has contributed to the fact that one more consumer is not paying any money to this bogus company.
      We already heard from others as well that Half Moon calls several times to the same people.
      Either they have a large turnover of staff that starts from the same list over and over again, or they indeed don’t get a no for an answer.

      Luckily you won’t be paying! That’s the main thing!


      Customer Service Department

  73. Gill says:

    Yes we have also been contacted by HM Holdings offering us 6.500 for a membership we paid 1,700 for in 2008, who wouldn’t be interested especially as we haven’t used it. They have been ringing over a couple of months now Ive lost count how many times but it just sounded so good. But yes as I guessed dodgy. We have now found this website and so I think their next call will be their last!!

  74. jan thompson says:

    i was contacted by katie roberts from this company offering to sell a timeshare that we had only ever paid £50 deposit on and then cancelled when we got home. She said she had a buyer willing to pay £3400 for it, i told her we hadn’t proceeded with the purchase but she assured me we were listed as the owners and could sell it even though we had no paperwork.
    I figured it was a con so wasn’t suprised to hear they wanted 1170 euro’s up front as an holding fee. I told her to email me some details which she did and i have forwarded it on to mindtimeshare. £3400 would just have come in andy now but thankfully i am not so gullable and kept remember all the advise:
    If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is too good to be true

  75. Raphael Forde says:

    I was called by Elaine Chapman of HM Holding saying they will pay me £5400 for my Dvg timeshare as I don’t appear to be using the service but I will have to pay 1290 euros up front which is refundable after six weeks. I have jsut been ‘done’ by Incentive Leisure Group going into liquidation and do not feel that I want to lose anymore money to get the timeshare of my hands. She also said that my contract with Incentive Leisure Group is still legally binding and I cannot sell or do anything to the timeshare and that I should present my ‘Reclaim Certificate’ as per normal. Can you please inform me if I stand any chance of recovering some of the money that was prominsed. I am 72 years old and had to borrow money to buy the Timeshare in the first instance and again to pay Incentive Leisure. I can’t afford to part with any more money and would really like to know where I stand.
    Thanks for your web page I have found out not to pay HM Holdings any money.

    C. Forde

  76. Malc says:

    We were contacted a month ago about selling out timeshare week. Today follow-up call from Lucy Edwards, Half Moon Holdings. Similar “offer” and explanation as the above. Net amount we were supposed to get was good, given current property climate. All we needed was to pay 1300 euros into a holding merchant trading account as a guarantee that we sent the timeshare registration information. That was the bit that made me suspicious (along with the amount being offered for the sale and their location outside UK). Calling me back on Monday to progress things. Obviously I’ll blow them away. Thanks for the warnings and sharing of similar experiences. I certainly won’t be parting with any money or dealing with them in any way.

  77. ANN CHESTER says:

    I too was contacted yesterday by Elaine Chapman from HM Holdings offering us £3,900 for our Discovery Holiday Club membership.Who wouldnt be interested in receiving such a large amount of money for something we have only used once since 2008?Then after she had talked for a while she asked for a payment of 1200 euros by Visa or Mastercard as a reservation fee.When I said I didnt have such money it miracuously came down to 600 euros!I said I would have to discuss it with my partner who was out at the time so she gave me a telephone number ,the same as all the other e -mails on your site .She really did sound genuine and can understand how people have been scammed out of so much money.I am so pleased that I googled and came upon your website.They really should not get away with what they are doing and hope that others can be warned by this .

  78. Julia says:

    My 84 year old father was nearly ‘scamed’ by H M Holdings, ‘Katie Roberts’, presurising him into sending them £1000.00, in exchange for £4250.00!!! Luckily he got them to call me and I told them exactly what I thought of people like them ‘conning’ an elderly gentleman. They have no morals.
    They should be hung drawn and quatered.
    The more people that read websites like this the better

  79. Kelly says:

    My mother and father were nearly scammed out of 1295 euros, luckily I found this website stopped the card in time and have phoned Half Moon Holdings back to tell them the Fraud squad are onto them and that DWVC know about them too. Hope they get carried off by police sooner rather than later, massive scam!!! Told them to beep right off and got a load of poop about how they wouldnt be working as a company if they were a scam. Took great delight in telling them the police would be after them soon haha!! Thanks for your website!!

  80. sue says:

    hi all,
    just to say that i posted a comment several weeks ago after being contacted by our friends at half moon holdings. Low and behold i recieved another call yesterday with much the same flannel , after listening to it all again i let rip …….. after about three minutes of choice words and questioning how they sleep at night the caller made a hefty retreat, dont think she was expecting that !!!!!!!!!!!
    So it looks as if they are not very good on the old call lists ,so you may all recieve a second call , so be ready .

  81. helen spencer says:

    just had a phone call, from louise, of halfmoon holdings offering to sell our holiday package if we want them too, no expence to our selves at the moment, but when they get a buyer, they will let us no, how much for?? and then all we have to do is give them bank details of how to pay, them handling fee, NO WAY ?? may be getting old but not that Daft

  82. David Bruce says:

    I was contacted today at 11:15 am 23/5/2011 by a Lucy Edwards who informed me that their are 2 buyers for my timeshare in Mexico wishing to pay more than I orginally paid for it. WOW great deal ? No they have already asked for 1300 Euros which I have said I will send once I receive writtern confirmation of the contracts and the transfer of the 40% deposit into my bank account. I have also explained that my soliciter will be handleing the exchange once I receive all of the promised information in the post? Now we all know the post will never arrive and yet again its us poor timeshare holders who are being scammed AGAIN. But remember folks its because we were Scammed by buying the timeshare in the first place which is why we are easy targets in these peoples eyes? When will tehy ever learn that once you have been conned into buying time share you never make the same mistake again again!!!!!

  83. Mike Kite says:

    Call by Joanna Harker of HM Holdings address Torre Del Mar 29740 Malaga Telephone 0844 822818128 offering £7,700.00 for our Incentive Leisure membership. She has telephoned us about 6 times, starting with “we (HM Holdings) are able to sell your membership are you intereseted? Next call was we have a presentation if we have a buyer we will get back to you. Then more “softening up calls” all very plausible and pleasent and finally “send us 900 Euros which is refundable on completion. Than you for all of the above. Much Appreciated.

  84. Sue says:

    Just rec’d phone call from a Christine of H M Holdings. 0844 822 8128 Same as other people, offered a nice sum for our useless timeshare (Incentive), and wanted 1200 euros on credit or visa which would be returned once we’d rec’d the nice offer and they’d rec’d the paper work. Put her off with a lame excuse so that I could check the company. So pleased I did. Thank you. Not sure the lady will like my reply when she rings again! This lady was probably the most plausible sounding caller I have had in the last few months since Incentive were prosecuted, and there have been many.

  85. John I says:

    ladies and gentlemen:
    i have now been contacted on 4 occassions by these so called companies that are going to solve all my problems or have a buyer for me lined up AND i dont have to put a penny up front. Its a scam and the sooner people realise that there is no tooth fairy at the bottom of the garden the better.
    I was informed just this week that this company had a buyer for my timeshare however the person calling is not the company you will deal with. They are a front for getting you to go and speak to some company so yes you dont pay anything up fron because they get paid by the company HOWEVER when you then visit the company your informed basically that in order for them to take your timeshare there is normally a catch somewhere else.
    Its either they want you to guarantee a loan on behalf of the comapny (yes of course your taking all the risk), or they want you tp basically buy another timeshare (called an investement under another name but still basically a timeshare).
    To be honest I am sick and tired of these people who prey on the misery of others who feel they are caught with no way out.
    maybye its about time everyone in the uk who dosent want these timeshares stood up and be counted and just all refuse to pay one more penny. Sooner or later these companies will ghet the message but until something drastic happens then looks like its keep on paying.

  86. Mr James Dobson says:

    I am writing with regards to Half Moon Holdings as all the other comments about them i was contacted about a D.W.V.C. Holiday package RE:Sale for £9800 if I payed 1250 euros to gauntee i would complete the deal i stupidly did .Should i get in touch with my credit card company.

  87. john williams says:

    I have just been scamed by half moon as others I was too tusting.I have payed them £1200.00 out fo my Visa debit card wich I have with Alliance and Leicester that was Giro.I phoned HM Holdings yesterday 12/05/11 and again today 13/05/11 and got a annser phone but no call back to me.I wish I had dune this search before I was daft to paying them.Can you advice me on how we might get our payment back if pos.Iam just glad that we didnot have a credit card.

    • Pam Austin says:

      John I just received my money back after a year of fighting. My bank got their ear chewed off cos it took over a year but I also got £50 compensation for my inconvenience. Go for it John I hope the people here let you know via this site that you need to fight and fight and you will win, go to the Financial Ombudsman if necessary but you must FIRST have complained to your card provider. Good luck.

  88. Andy McMenemy says:

    Me too!
    I was contacted by

    Emma Knight
    Sales Division
    Half Moon Holdings
    0844 822 8128

    CIF B93063337

    Usual story – they have a buyer with a very attractive price. Of course they want a temporary retainer of 1195€ . My SCAM antenna immediately started to twitch so I asked for details in writing. I then spoke with my friend Mr Google who pointed me here.
    Forewarned is forearmed!

  89. Carole Vose says:

    I was contacted by Halfmoon Holdings, with view to selling our timeshare in a canal boat, originally from RCI, (another white elephant sale). Anxious to be rid of this, we proceeded with details – they seemed to know a lot about this too. They asked for 1300 euros as a security bond with view to selling out timeshare for £6,500. I tried their tel. no. 0844 8228128 but no answer – they said there had been a fire so they could only phone out! Gave their address as Halfmoon Holdings SLU, apartado de Correos 173, Torre del Mar, Malaga 29740, Spain. I spoke to a James Clark, Director, Lucy Edwards, and Jenny.
    I began to have my suspicions when after the second call with Lucy earlier this morning, she said the buyers were coming to see her this afternoon. After that, but within the hour, James rang and said the transaction was going through! I thought I would check the website, and as others have mentioned, there isn’t much on it!

    Since my last contact with them, and reading all these complaints, and discovering this is a scam, I’ve cancelled my Visa card transaction. I should have know it was too good to be true!

  90. PAM says:


    • Mr and Mrs Kibble says:

      We have been called by Elaine Chapman as well and offered £6500 for our DWVC membership up to now she has not asked for an amount of money just said “all we have to do is pay a kind of holding deposit which would be paid back after the deal has gone through” The SCAM RADAR went off straite away and these people will not be getting a penny from us.
      Thanks for the info

  91. CHARLES says:


  92. william melville says:

    I received a phone call from h.m.holdings today offering me £7850 fof my holiday allocation luckily i looked up mindtimeshare on the net and all the reports about said company,thank you mindtimeshare for all the information .needless to say they were sent packing .

  93. Mr & Mrs R.M.Milner says:

    Very interesting indeed reading all of the above.
    We were called by Excalibur Marketing re purchasing our membership with DWVC. As we do not use this (couldn’t find any of the supposed locations in Tenerife) we were happy at the thought of receiving £7,800 for this. We paid 1200 euros as a deposit, the buyers being a Mr & Mrs Spencer who would settle full amount on their return home & we would receive full amount plus deposit back in 6 – 8 weeks time. We received, signed & returned the contract as agreed. I spoke with Excalibur on Friday last & was told things were at the final stage. I have phoned today, many times & only get answer machine. I have also e-mailed but no response.
    In the meantime we received a telephone call last week from Rebecca of H M Holdings, Malaga but on the 0844 number offering the same sort of facility but asking for a retainer of £1,295. Told them of dealings with Excalibur & said they had never heard of them but would check with their legal dept & ring back. On next call was informed were a bogus company & had gone into receivership. Rebecca from HM Holdings has phoned again twice this morning & is supposed to ring back tomorrow a.m. If & when she does, we will not be doing business with her/them after reading all of the above.
    Many thanks to you all.

  94. I have just been contacted by this company offering to buy our membership of D.W.V.C. saying that as we haven’t used it for two years they will buy it off us for £6,500, only one small catch- they want 1,200 euros up front which they say we will get back in 6weeks when we send them our contract! As we have been “conned “many times in the past, and having visited your website we will NOT be dealing with them when they ring up later when my husband gets home! Beware cold callers, they do NOT tell the truth. Carol.

  95. m hinds says:

    my wife was contacted 4 5 11 offering 8000 for our incentive leisure timelink scam timeshare re reclaim etc she said to speak to me as i dealt with this upon speaking to valerie maas hm holdings 08448228128 she was told already been scammed by above company and asked if she was conected to them she put phone down dont be scammed if they really want your timeshare you dont get asked for money upfront think all conected to incentive leisure just change name different scam same company

  96. Michael says:

    I was contacted today by a James Clarke of Half Moon Holdings who advised me that he had a buyer willing to pay £12,000 for the purchase of my Freedom Vacation Network Investment- He advised me that FVN had been relaunched and is now known as Club Class Concierge.
    He was looking for £1300 before transferring the £1200 to ensure that i did not renege on the agreement. Once i said i was not prepared to pay any monies upfront he cut me off.

  97. Steven says:

    I have just had a conversation with a Jane Wilson of Half Moon Holdings and I have to say that as a salesperson she is very very professional and convincing. Let me say that having tried for the last couple of years to get rid of my timeshare, I know that it is not worth the paper it is written on. I have visited places like Ebay and seen how many Timeshares are being sold free of charge with no takers. If you think your Timeshare is different then you should keep an eye open for Santa coming down the chimney.
    Jane Wilson told me she had taken a deposit of £1500 for the sale price of £5000 from a Mr/Mrs Knight just twenty minutes ago. All she needed now was my credit card number to secure a 1200 Euro holding fee. I told her my mastercard had expired and there was’nt enough money in my Visa account so she suggested a payment of just 600 Euros.
    I asked her if she could hold onto the £1500 deposit and not pay it into my account so that there would be no need for my holding fee. I suggested that she send me the contract to sign and that I would return it with the title deeds and then she could deposit the £5000 into my account. I told her that I would trust her company to do that.
    She said “Oh No No No.” I sensed her professionalism slipping.
    I told her that I had read some very disparaging remarks on the internet at ‘mindtimeshare’ about her company and that they maybe bogus scamsters.
    She told me that everything on ‘mindtimeshare’ was lies made up by people with nothing to do with their lives.
    Finally, realizing that her professional crown was slipping I suggested that she kept the deposit and sent me the contract to sign and that I would sign it and send it back with the deeds and she could give them to her client FREE OF CHARGE.
    She was not a happy bunny. Free of charge she shrieked? YES free of charge I said.
    CRASH!!! her crown fell off and she said she would have to ask her contract department if this was acceptable and she would ring me back.

    Having said all that I would like some advice.
    My Timeshare is 1 week in Tenerife. I have had it for about 14 years. Have’nt been there for the last ten years but my maintenance fees are up to date.
    Unfortunately through illness I now survive on Income support and wonder what they could do if I did’nt pay the fees. I missed one year and had solicitors letters and their fees added on. I paid.
    But what can they do to someone who simply cannot afford to pay?

    • Hello Paul,

      Thank you for your message on our blog and sharing with us the recent experience you had with one of the agents from Half Moon Holdings. It is quiet sad to see that an apparent professional person breaks down on their sales pitch so easily when questioning simple matters or asking simple questions. It is clear that the telemarketers working for this company, obviously for the sake of a commission percentage over the charged amounts, are not really trained to handle customer care and are only aiming for their commission and not expecting “complicated” questions.

      We are glad to hear though that thanks to our article in the blog many consumers did not pay (or will not pay) any money out to the bogus resale company Half Moon Holding. Thanks to people like you who advise us about these companies and keep us informed about the calls and offers they receive we are able to collect evidence for the police and close down these companies.

      Customer Service Department

      • Was contacted by a Katie Rogers of Half Moon Holdings, a couple of times, probably softening me up and today she
        phoned offering me 7600 sterling for my Timelinx membership. I do not know wether this is a scam or what, but
        i have cancelled the credit card transaction and wait for their
        next call.

  98. Nina Kingston says:

    Many thanks for these posts. We have been called several times and I made the mistake of listening to the last one instead of hanging up. The caller, David Harrison from HM Holdings sounded very honest and reassuring, as do all the scammers. I told him I needed to talk to my husband and he is calling back on Monday. No doubts now about what to say when he does.

    • Nina,

      We are glad to hear that thanks to our article in the blog many consumers did not pay (or will not pay) any money out to this resale company Half Moon Holdings. Thanks to people like you who advise us about these companies and keep us informed about the calls and offers they receive we are able to collect evidence for the Authorities.

      Customer Service Department

  99. s edyvean says:

    i feel very sorry for all the people who have been fooled by this company the sooner the police get them shut down the better and this johnathan lancaster if that is his real name even has the cheek to say he was an ex soldier who had just finished serving his time

  100. simon hall says:

    I was called yesterday by Jonathan Lancaster on behalf of HM Holdings this was a follow up from a previous conversation i had with a girl from another company who referred to the on line pop up i filled in investigting how much my Club La Costa Vacation holiday club points were worth. ( i am fed up with the management and maintenance fees) anyway Jonathan informed me that i could sell my points for £8.50 each and he had an immediate buyer for them named Mr and Mrs Humpreys. He informed me he could send me a cheque for my points and all i had to do was surrender my ownership deed documents which would be collected by a courier service. He also informed me that my holidays booked with my holiday club next year would still be valid etc etc. it seemed a very good deal indeed. After a follow up conversation he then said to cover their backs for legal expenses if i pulled out etc, they needed an up front payment of 1400 euros (£1192) and he suggested a credit card payment so the costs would be covered., that would be refunded after 4 – 6 weeks. At this point i became suspicious and asked him to forward the information on an e-mail with also a link to his company web site etc etc
    the next day i recieved an e-mail and link and it all looked quite legit, but not very informative. I googled H M Holdings ( Half Moon) and was horrified to see all the posts of people who had been ripped off by such a company.
    I replied to Jonathan and told him if he phones or contacts me by e-mail again i will contact the police. Hasten to say i havent heard back from them.
    Do not touch Half Moon Holdings with a barge pole !!!!!!!!! I may be been harsh and they would have legimately paid me £14,790, but i cant see any pigs flying round 🙂 I have searched the web for something positive about this company and havent found one word !
    cheers Simon Hall

    • Brian says:

      I can help you with your search for a positive remark about this company as I would hate for anyone to visit this blog and be disappointed in not finding what they are looking for.

      This company, in my opinion, are POSITIVELY a scam……Hope this helps.

  101. Gary Kokoska says:

    I have been contacted by HM offering £4500 for a holiday club membership I bought for £3500 4 years ago. they wanted 1150 euros that would be given back after they recieved my club documentation and they wanted bank details so they could deposit the £ 4500. Are they for real, why can’t these people be shut down and jailed. They pray on desperate folk who are to trusting and losemorethan they did before

  102. Jim says:

    I’ve had a lot of calls recently from HM Holdings. They seem to be offering a fantastic opportunity and they’re very sympathetic when they realise that my father is dead…
    Just research the following:

    “Incentive Leisure”
    “Designer Way Vacation Club”
    “Garry Leigh”

    My sincerest sympathies to all who have lost out in dealing with these… companies.

    Do you know how easy it is to start a company?
    And don’t throw good money after bad.

    • Dear Jason,

      Many thanks for your comment here on the blog.
      You are totally right, there are a lot of dodgy companies out there and unfortunately new ones are set up each day as it is very easy to do including fancy websites and fake testimonials.

      We here at Mindtimeshare try to give the best possible advise and information to all consumers and we actively work together with the police to get these companies closed down. By the amount of emails and comments we receive through the blog we are glad to say that we have avoided people paying out a lot of money to these scam companies or helping them with cancelling payments and seeking refunds based on the fact that taking these payments is illegal.

      Thanks again for your contribution to the blog.

      Kind regards,

      Customer Service Department

      • julie says:

        my dad was aproached by half moon holdings after they offered to buy there club class for 3,800 and i was asked to send 1,195 euros which i gave them with my credit card it as been cashed

  103. martin crocker says:

    I have had a number of phone calls from a Karen Jones of HM Houldings the last one 26 april asking if i wanted to sell my holiday club membership. The offer seemed very good at £7,900 but i needed to pay an up front fee of €1,295 by credit card, when i said it seemed a large amount for a reservation fee it was quickly slashed to half the initial fee which immeadiatly sent warning bells ringing of scam. I googled the company and came to your website which proved my suspicions. Thanks for the information on this company

  104. John Geeves says:

    I have been cold called today by Invicta Solutions regarding the sale of my timeshare.Are they to be trusted ?

  105. John Geeves says:

    We have been called three times in the past week about selling our timeshare but each time I have been out and my wife took the calls,the last one being earlier on today and said he would call back later. The company is Invicta Solutions .Thet also sent an e-mail outlining their terms and claim no money would be asked for upfront.Seems too good to be true, as did a company called Inside Europe DDE to who I paid 100 euros before I realised it was a scam.Who can we trust ? John Geeves.

  106. sue holden says:

    Had a call today from Katy Roberts of H M Holdings saying had a buyer for our Diamond Points circa £6000. Their buyer would pay deposit of £2000 and full amount paid into my bank account. Then UPS would call at my home to collect Deeds etc. Need me to pay 1190 euros first though in case after money is in my bank, I refuse to hand over the deeds.

    I asked her to put it all in an email as I needed to discuss with my partner. She said she would email me and also call back between 7.30 & 8.00 to see what my partner said.

    I was out buy had voicemail to say she had called and had I received email. She would contact me again tomorrow. Checked but no email received.

    Is this really a scam? How are they getting away with it?

    Also been contacted by Invicta Solutions. same type of thing?

    • s edyvean says:

      i was contacted by a man called johnathan lancaster from hm holdings who also told me he had a buyer for our timeshare told us a very good story but a lot of the things he said did nt seem right he also told me he had e mailed me i did not received any e mails he constantly phoned us for a day we refused to pay anything up front i gave him a ring the following day to say i had not received any e mails but unfortunately he seems to have disappeared this is a BIG SCAM SO PLEASE STAY CLEAR we are so glad we did not give any money

  107. Rosie Morse says:

    Unfortunatley i have been scammed!! 😦
    i had a DWVC membership which expired in 2008, as i never used it i thought any money was better than no money as i had payed alot of money previously upfront for the membership, where i was promised first class holidays.
    i recieved a call from half moon holdings and gave my credit card details over the phone!-£1200 (i know very stupid but it seemed like a good idea). i have now cancelled my cards but what can i or shall i do now ?
    any help would be appreciated
    many thanks

  108. Mal. Collis says:

    Ref Half Moon Holdings, based in Liverpool. Was called today by John Parker Tel:- 0844 279 3891. Said NO money from seller as 10% commission taken from buyer’s deposit. When sale agreed, UPS would courier all money to me and witness collection of relevent deeds and ownership papers. He said that he did not actually have a buyer, but would contact if and when. Sounds like they are changing their script? He only had details of a CPO Portugal time share which I disposed of years ago. Allegedly the records were stolen about twenty years ago by a digruntled employee, and are still being bandied about by resale scammers. At one time we had six calls a day from Spain.

    • shelley says:

      Glad to hear you weren’t scammed asso many others. Can I ask though how you actually managed to dispose of your timeshare???
      You’re theonly person I have heard of.

  109. Bill says:

    Hi Mindtimeshare,

    My wife was called last week by a Mr. Nichols from I think was working for HM Holdings who asked if we wanted to sell our Holiday VIP membership which we bought in 1996 and has I assume expired (THAT WAS A COSTLY MISTAKE ALSO). Then yesterday I was contacted by a woman named Molly who offered to buy my membership for £8000 if I sent her 1200 euros up front directly from my credit card. Upon googling the telephone number supplied 08448228128 found your website thank goodness I did my suspicions were confirmed. When she called back later I told her I thought it was a scam and refused her offer. I also informed my Credit Card company that I thought it was a scam.
    Kind regards and many thanks

    • Bill,

      Thank you for your message on our Blog.
      It is always very satisfying to hear that thanks to our warnings on the blog, consumers like you don’t pay out money to bogus companies.

      Regarding the VIP holiday Club Membership, this turned out for many people to be a big disappointment and promises for discounted holidays that were never fullfilled. Unfortunately at this moment we cannot offer any solution for this as too many years have passed and no refunds can be claimed.

      Remember, NEVER pay upfront fees to any company that cold call you.

      Customer Service Department

    • julie says:

      i was called by half moon holdings they said they wanted to buy my club class for 3,8oo pounds and i paid 1,195 euro deposit i havent heared anything since kind reguards julie

  110. +++++++++++++++ says:

    Hi, i am also addiding to the list of people that have been called, i was offered also a large amount of cash for my membership which has actually expired, as it was only for three years. Thought it was to good to be true and it seems i was right . I was also given that telephone number 0844 822 8128 and was called several times , firstly by a Tony Nicholls and then follow up calls from Molly Darcer. Thanks to this site i had my suspicions confirmed.

    • Hi Sue,

      I am glad to hear that thanks to our article in the blog you did not pay any money out to the bogus resale company Half Moon Holding. Thanks to consumers like you who advise us about these companies and keep us informed about the calls and offers they receive we are able to collect evidence for the police and close down these companies.

      Timeshare or holiday point’s owners should watch out for companies claiming to buy or resell these products. The scammers claim to have guaranteed buyers for timeshares or holiday points (which entitle them to holidays at a variety of resorts), or offer to buy them themselves, often at considerably more than their normal value. They ask for large sums of money, usually as a retainer or for administration charges. They then disappear or say the buyer changed their mind but do not return the cash. They operate by advertising in the papers, on the internet, at resorts or by cold calling on the telephone.


      Customer Service Department

  111. jean laird says:

    I am awaiting a call back from HM Holding saying they will pay me £6900 for my Dvg timeshare but they are wanting 1290 euros up front from me. I have jsut been ‘done’ by Incentive Leisure Group going into liquidation and do not feel that I want to lose anymore money to get the timeshare of my hands. Is there anywhere I can sell my timeshare with Dvg without costing me more money I would really like to know. Thanks for your web page I have found out not to pay HM Holdings any money. J> Laird.

    • steven&joan mitchell says:

      was contacted by half moon holdings,28th april 2011 regaurding the sale of our ccl points,same story,was made a offer ,we agreed,STUPID!!!! i now now “SCAM’,now trying to get our 1.192 back contacted capital one who we payed through,tryed to cancell,they were of no help. like many other people we have got this time share points,but can’t find a genuine buyer for them,been to several bogus presentations”,SCAMS”,has anyone managed to getrid????

      • keith says:

        We have had dealings in the past with Capital One fror the recovery of funds paid on what turned out to be a scam albeit only £250. We were advised that under Section75 of the COnsumer Credit Act 1974 they are equally lliable and therfore will have to pay up. We wrote to them accordingly and recovered our money.

      • gqave 2 different weeks back after fees were too high no cost,no profit

    • Scott Pawley says:

      hello there ,i to was scamed by incentive lesure group if you do find any one to take your timeshare please email me as i too im trying too get rid off a timeshare with no sucsess

  112. cheryl colgate says:

    Just to let you know, i was called today 12th april 2011 by a john stuart from H M Holdings offering me £3000 for my contract with dwvc, it was a 5 year contract that i paid £4000 for and it only has a year to run, i thought this suspicious and even more so when they asked for 1200 euros up front, i decided to google them and came up with your website to which i am very grateful. I told them i would have to speak to my husband and would call them back, they give me a phone number of 0844 8228128. Obviously i will not be calling them, but would like to thank you for your information that has saved me from being ripped off yet again. Many Thanks Cheryl

    • Receiving feedback from the consumers and the confirmation that thanks to our warning in the blog you have saved yourself from paying out money to this bogus company is a tremendous satisfaction for us.

      You know now where we are, so please should you be contacted by any other company in the future, always contact us first. Our email is enforcement@rdo.org

      Customer Service Department

  113. John Coombs says:

    I was contacted by a Karan Jones from http://www.hmholdingsonline.com and did not find them on the web she gave the same phone number 08448228128
    I hve not replyed to this as it maybe a scam once again.
    so please do not phone

    • Pam says:

      My husband and I were called by Michael Harris offering us £28,000 for our Diamond Club points. He assrured us he had a buyer who were puting up their house as security and it would defijnitely go through. This was July 2010. We kept emailing but had no contact the Kate rang us and said she could sell the points on the corporate martket for us as the original buyers had pulled out and lost their deposit, yeah right. We are on holiday in Spain at the moment and it seems Halfmoon Holdins do not exist. They had originally asked for E1,000 but when we said we were pensioners Mr. Harris dropped the amount to E600. We have contacted TATOC but this scam companyseem, to have gone out of business, if they ever existed in the first place. We have since been contacted by Silverline (cant remember the exact name) in Teneriffe also offering to buy out Diamond points surprise surprise the also tried a similar scam . We told them we had s huge debt and would not get finanace. They kept us for four hours we were exhausted but they dropped us like hot cakes when they realised they were getting nothing out of us, Never give any money up front it will always be a scam, We learned the hard way

      • Dear Pam,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Let see if we can help with the refund claim for the money paid to Half Moon Holdings.
        We will send information by email
        Kind regards
        Customer Care

      • Pam Austin says:

        Hi we are in Spain until 17th Dec. We will contact you on our return.


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