The European Claims Centre, just another name for ITRA!

Captura de pantalla 2015-05-20 a la(s) 12.25.28

Yes, we have once more a new name, and a brand new website for a supposed “new” company called The European Claims Centre (ECC). This once more turns out to be ITRA the International Timeshare Refund Action.

We cannot ask too many times why this constant change of names and brands, when in reality the consumers keep on ending up in the same meetings with the same pitches at the same places.

If ITRA were really such a successful and straightforward organisation, why on earth would they not want to use the name of this brand when contacting consumers? Maybe they don’t like the matches on Google when searching for this name?

The European Claims Centre is based in Slough. Address: Churchill house,1 London road, Langley, BERKS, SL3 7FJ

On the website which was registered the 6th of February 2015, they claim as usual that they are “helping timeshare consumers”.

The logo used by the European Claims Centre is an eye catcher as this looks very familiar to the logo used by the ECC European Consumer Centre and could be interpreted as being a connected organisation, which obviously they are not!

If we are only looking at a name change and not an actual change in way of pitching and “helping” the timeshare consumers, we have no doubt that these meetings are once more not really focused on any action group or “help” for consumers.

The real reason to get a timeshare consumer at their Claims Centre is to offer their additional services to dispose of the timeshare at a cost around £6000

This service is often proposed to the consumer based on statements that their timeshare is in perpetuity or that although the resort has agreed with them already to a FREE relinquishment, the consumer should not believe the resort.

Surprisingly all consumers attending meetings at the claims centres from ITRA are qualified to do claims and actions against their resorts. They never seem to say no to anybody…

Our advice is certainly to be cautious when attending this meeting, and always double check these stated facts with your resort / timeshare company or independent solicitor BEFORE handing over any money or signing any paperwork.

If you have been invited to a meeting at the European Claims Centre in Slough we would like to have your feedback.

You can email us at or place a comment on this blog



About mindtimeshare

Mindtimeshare SLU is registered Company reg number: B35957182 Mindtimeshare provides assistance to timeshare owners who have been defrauded by holiday clubs and bogus resale companies. The Mindtimeshare project was launched in February 2011. After dealing with timeshare members over several years who had been defrauded by numerous bogus companies and for large amounts of money, I considered launching an Organisation to help timeshare owners that have been targeted by bogus companies. On this blog you can find information about the different active scam companies and their “modus operandi” and also place comments, ask questions and see comments from other consumers who have the same doubts or have been through the same experience. Mindtimeshare has resulted in a huge success and has received the back up from not only timeshare consumers but also from the professionals in the timeshare Industry. Mindtimeshare helps timeshare owners who have been scammed by bogus Discount Holiday Clubs; bogus cash back companies; fraudulent timeshare resale companies; bogus class action companies and false lawyers and notaries. We offer professional answers and advice to Timeshare users. If you want to send an email instead of posting a comment on the blog please do so by emailing:
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90 Responses to The European Claims Centre, just another name for ITRA!

  1. John says:

    Do you know of anyone who has been successfully paid out by ECC?

  2. John says:

    Went to a meeting with ECC in Manchester and foolishly parted with £4,000 (on Credit Card)This was my credit card limit.They want a further £950 deposit by xx/xx/2019.I think i may have been scammed! Please advise.
    Yours sincerely,

  3. Glynis says:

    We first came into contact with ITRA in 2016 still have no resolution despite having paperwork signed by notary. I have emailed several times to be told my claim is with Spanish courts. Have now received letter informing that ITRA ceased trading 2 1/2 years ago and that ECC will be completing the case. No further fees needed. We did hand over money initially but now beginning to feel we were sca….. They have given an address ibox number in Gibraltar to reply to should I want to continue my claim. I have emailed but no response.
    There must be something that can be done to stop this from happening.

  4. Dave says:

    Filled in an online ‘calculator’ for EEC-EU and within minutes they were on phone. Refused to go to their office and had a silver tongued salesman Jack on the phone. ALARM BELLS RANG – if it’s 100% guaranteed payout why do they need any upfront cost if there’s then a split of payout? Also how many genuine law firms hassle the backside off you. Spoke to a genuine UK solicitor who when I mentioned eec-eu said: “ they said you were eligible, 100% gtee payout, 12m minimum as they are so busy”. Exactly that! Went on to say they hassle you in a year for ‘sealing or completion fees”. Unbelievably accurate – also mentioned original Directors in jail.

    • Sally says:

      I have also been contacted by this Jack person saying that he is a senior contracts manager or something.I went to the Chesterfield office years ago and they promised to get me out the contract with Muthu hotels I am still waiting for this to happen.I initially paid about £3000 for the privilege of getting rid of my timeshare,luckily I got my money back with a section 75 of the consumer act.They then said that they would still pursue it for me and they would take the payment when the timeshare had been resolved,but guess what still waiting.

      • Dave says:

        Sally, if our two posts are read and stop people being fleeced for cash for a service that will never deliver that’s good. Glad you got your £ back. They hassled me for payment but I blocked the number and my file for Watchdog is ready!

  5. sam says:

    I have signed and paid £8000 last November, they are slow at getting back after initial flurry of paperwork with the ECC before I was handed over to the Spanish lawyers in april this year A1 solicitors in Malaga. I am becoming increasingly worried that this is all a sc** even though I have been to a notary and had all my documents signed, I had checked the A! company out and it seems good, but now I have seen this I am worried. any one had an end game from this and seen it through?

  6. Val says:

    Interesting experience in chesterfield today . Nice guy , all the info given . Wanted £5300 to start claim !!!!! No guarantees !! Really ? Am I going to give that amount away to WHO . Not a reputable co . Would you like a coffee while I scan your docs ? Yes please . Coffee shop is up road .. not a chance I’m leaving him with my stuff . Goodbye .. no proof of any successful results only people in same boat , so how do we know it works after we part with money .. no better than the original timeshare s*** . Just my feeling as they may be ok but I’m not convinced

  7. Stephen says:

    We attended a meeting with ECC and was told for a refundable fee of £6718 they would get our time share with CLC cancelled with a refund of all of our costs plus expenses and get our finance cancelled so we wouldn’t owe a penny.

  8. Hannah says:

    Is there any genuine companies out there?
    I’ve been sca**** so often, it’s soul destroying!!

  9. Lee says:

    Any good solicitors yorkshire/humberside area who can help, we have met with ECC and was as others nearly taken in we have a fractional with CLC and just want out,thanks.

  10. Jim says:

    I paid over 2000 pounds to the European Claims Centre – the branch based in Mijas Costa. When the invoice for my timeshare membership arrived I queried it, displaying my relinquishment documest from European Claims. The Club denied any knowledge of European Claims and told me that I as still a member of the club and must continue paying the maintenance. I contacted European Claims and they were supposed to be repaying my money. Apparently I had given them the wrong account number for repayment, I rectified this – still no money. I emailed them about this and the email and was told that the email address did not exist.

  11. Graham says:

    I went to one of these meetings in 2014 then it was ITRA
    I laughed when they asked for the £6000 to get rid of my timeshare as at the time my maintenance
    Was £250. So it wouldn’t cost me any more to keep it for another 24years

    About 12 months later the guy we met with contacted me telling me had left them and had someone interested to buy it and attempted to get me to pay their % up front.
    Told him where to go

    Now in the last week European claims centre have been ringing saying I visited their office in 2014
    (Which was ITRA ). And do I still want to get rid.

    All I have to do is sign some paperwork in Malaga and within 16 weeks to 6 months my compensation will arrive !!!
    They will put me up in a hotel but I need to pay for my own flights !!!

    How many times do they have to keep trying to c** me out of my cash ????

  12. doug says:

    I got got my Time share relinquished through Ill health now had a phone call to go to Tenerife to discuss no win no fee they put up accommodation I pay the flight sounds familiar

  13. dean says:

    After 4 months of ignoring phone calls with voicemails offering deals, then telling them in no uncertain terms I wanted my documents back and them being in Spain ?,then downstairs ?,then in another office?, miraculously I finally got them back recorded delivery….. Give these people nothing and stand your ground !,anyone know of a good solicitor who can help me get shot of this timeshare and maybe my £14,000 back ?,thanks all

  14. allen says:

    All you would have to do is stop paying your maintenance
    if you havent paid it for 3years you automatically come out of your timeshare

    • dean says:

      Hi Allen we are due to start paying maintenance next year and are seeking a good solicitor to help us at the moment,how did you hear about this ?,wouldn’t they try to pressure you for breech if contract or something ?

      • ma says:

        We have been with CLC for years and would just like to let it lapse. can we just stop paying? Or do we need to contact them

    • Nikki says:

      We are wanting out of our CLC point timehare nad have just made an appointment with ECC – Glad i found this page!! Would be nice to get money back but we would be happy to just let it lapse and be rid of it…
      If we want to stop paying maintenance and let the membership lapse do we just stop paying or do we have to contact CLC first?

    • rab says:

      is this true as not paid for 3 yrs ….only pay bank loan but they want £6300 to help me out and already gave them £480 and want rest tomorrow….any help would be appreciated thanks…

    • Barry says:

      How true is this about stopping payment for 3years ???????

  15. John says:

    Hi My wife and I attended the Stirling office for an appointment with the Timeshare Action Centre? but had difficulty in locating their office only to to be guided to an office with no name outside and no visable reference anywhere in the corridor. We finally met with our appointed adviser who advised that we were meeting with the European Claims Centre and pointed out on more than one occasion that we were on camera.
    She explained that ECC were claiming to get money back, from Spanish courts. We paid an initial deposit of £480 by credit card and agreed to pay a balance of £5375 to complete our legal action, we also signed the documents to complete the payment schedule.
    Can someone please advise as to how we get the £480 credit card payment back?

    • Sally says:

      If you paid with a card contact your bank and you should be able to claim it back with a section 75 of the consumer act or contact the trading standards office

  16. M says:

    I am currently in dispute with H10 Premium over misrepresentation by their agent in order to seal the agreement with my wife and I. The European Claims Centre contacted me by phone, following my email to them, and an appointment apparently came up at short notice today (Saturday) at their Churchill House address in Slough. This was an initial free session to assess our situation.

    After showing them our contract and ID (photo driving licence), we were told that as the agreement was signed in the Caribbean and not Spain, it would be very difficult to get out of the contract. However, it would cost us about £5,000 to do so, which I declined.

    We were both very sceptical about this set up when we entered their offices because it seemed very sparse and seemed like it was just rented for the day. The man who was dealing with us went outside of the room we in with our contract and IDs for a few minutes before he updated us on the contract. Now we are hoping that our IDs won’t be compromised in anyway.

  17. Ian says:

    Went to a meeting at the Chesterfield office the other day. They wanted £6190 up front to get us out of our timeshare and recover the initial investment (but would take around 18 months…..) Told them we couldn’t afford the upfront costs and they offered us the 60/40 split for a reduced cost of £4800. Said we needed to think about it and would get back to them. The guy said the next meeting would be chargeable as we had used our ‘free’ session. Didn’t hand over any deeds (but they wanted copies of utility bill and ID) so still have all originals.
    Having read comments on here we will definitely not be signing up with ECC.

  18. Robert says:

    Can i trust ecc to help me get rid of my timeshare

  19. sally says:

    i attended a meeting at Chesterfield a few weeks ago and unfortunately was taken in by what the person said, i paid £3800 for the privelege, i wish i had done my homework beforehand and i am now £3800 out of pocket, i intend to pursue this, if anyone has any advice on how to get my money back i would be very grateful.

  20. Dave says:

    Had a meeting at the Slough office a few weeks ago. Did not give any money on the day but paid a small deposit a few days later. I did sign a contract with ECC a few days after paying the deposit. The same day I signed the contract and posted it ro them I saw your reviews here. I immediately sent them an email ro cancel. I informed them I had changed my mind and it would be difficult for me to afford. They took copies of all my documents. I wrote requesting my docs and my deposit £500 back. No response apart from a few voice messages from them.

    I intend to seek legal advice to get my docs and deposit back. What are my options here?
    Wish I had done my research first. Keep up the good work.


    • John says:

      I also went to the Slough venue, with high hopes of getting my money back from CLC, but after 10 mins id worked out that i was being sc*****.
      He told me it would cost between £7k-£10k to take it through the legal system. he qualified it by declaring each claim takes 160hrs of councils time… I told him that council need to learn how to cut and paste… at this point i was in no doubt he or they were trying to c** me,,..
      So.. if anyone gets invited to Churchill House, 1 London road, Langley, Berks.. be prepared .

  21. Donna says:

    Arrived home today to find recorded delivery letter from ECC with all of our documents, 3 months after initial meeting but finally have them back. We were offered all of the usual , less up front for a favourable split to ECC …stick to your guns, I didn’t continue to pester them after the first month but after about 6 weeks of silence they made one last attempt to get us to pay anything…I just said no. Didn’t hear anything back until today 😀

  22. jackie says:

    well thank you guys you just save me from the sc** which now is under the name European claims centre bristol just about to take a loan out to pay them but i was told to reseach them and come across your reveiws sorry that you were not so lucky

  23. Brenda says:

    Just to let everyone know after weeks of pestering this organisation eventually have received my documents back by recorded delivery. Would advise n-one to get in touch with them or be taken in by them.

    • Hi Brenda,

      Finally! Thanks for letting us know.

      Kind regards

      Customer Care

      • Bob says:

        Had a call back from the Finance dept?, following a call a couple of weeks ago, when I told them I couldn’t raise the funds, the offer was to pay £1000 towards the court fees, for a 60/40 split, or pay £2000, for a 50/50 split, leaving me to raise the remainder, told them I can’t raise the cash and left it at that, call ended?

  24. Owen says:

    Just returned from meeting with ECC at Slough where we signed a Client Contract Payment Schedule for £3480. They have original title deed but gave us photo copies.

    Expecting phone call tomorrow for initial payment and balance by bank transfer. This is to get shot of a Week timeshare with CLC for Canal time in UK. Having second thoughts about using their services. Should have researched earlier

    Any advice would be appreciated. Have spoken to RCI and cancelled our membership.

    Will try CLC in the morning to see what their response is

    • Derek says:

      Dear Owen
      Do hope you haven’t paid any more money to
      These people they are sharks
      Lots of phone calls but no results
      Relinquish you’re time through a solicitor
      May cost about 700 pounds
      This I have done myself. ..but I gave them no
      Money in the end.
      Not one person on here has been successful.

      • dean says:

        Hi Derek,how easy or lengthy was it to dispose of your timeshare and did you get any payments back and or finance cancelled, £700 seems quite cheap to get shot of such a headache,I expected solicitors fees to be highly expensive ?

      • Babu says:

        Hi Derek. My wife and I also attended a meeting and was asked to pay £3,500. They have our original documents but they gave me copies. I will request the originals from them . Which solicitor did you use as this would be the best way of getting rid of the Timeshare we have!

    • Josh says:

      Hi Owen. Don’t panic. Just email them now and say it would financially cripple you too pay this about upfront. Ask them to take it out of the money that they get back for you, they won’the agree to that, so it will have to be a none starter.

      Regards Josh

      • Brenda says:

        Still been given the run around to get our documents back. Have so many numbers they have given me (some in Spain) that I could write a telephone directory. Many promises to ring b ack in 10 minutes – nothing. The lady that originally phoned me daily prior to our meeting in Dartford now off with flu apparently.
        Will start again on Monday.

      • Derek says:

        Hi yes good advice Josh.
        Relinquishing the time share is the only answer through a solicitor. All the best derek

    • Brenda says:

      Well after five weeks still trying to locate my paperwork which could be in England or perhaps Spain according to them. Been threatened this morning with legal action by them if they do not get my money. Told them to go ahead.

  25. GORDON says:

    HELLO, Went to meeting with ECC at Stirling Branch (Scotland). Claiming to get money back, from Spanish courts. Paid small deposit,but looking for over 5k for court fees, having second thoughts..

    • Jim says:

      We also went to Stirling (EEC) and signed papers authorising them to get our timeshare released and also maybe compensation !. Cost nearly £6K. Rachael has called a couple of times and asked for payment by bank transfer or cheque. This raised suspicion as we wondered why not by card ? Just found this web site. Wish we had seen it a week ago. We will not be paying any money and will today ask for our deeds to be returned.
      We will do so by recorded delivery. Incidentally our experience at the meetings was identical to. everything we have read here.

      • Brenda says:

        We actually phoned the office we visited several times and really upset the man there who we met. Do not know if this helped but we do pass that way on our visits to our daughter at times so it was not out of our way. Good luck.

    • JOHN says:

      Hello Gordon

      My wife and I did the same last week and now having read the comments on the web have sent them an e-mail to cancel the agreement we signed by e-mail last night.

      We paid a deposit of £480 on the night and have now contacted the card provider to dispute the payment with ECC, worth a try perhaps to retrieve the payment.

      Good Luck


  26. Josh says:

    Has anyone actually had a successful claim?

    • Hi,

      Good question! So far we haven’t heard of any…

      kind regards

      Customer Care

    • Bob says:

      Well have had the follow up call from ECC, told them I was unsure about them, and that I couldn’t raise the £6,300 they wanted up front, was told she would speak to her manager and call me back the next day, that was 10 days ago, so me thinks they are sca*****

      • dean says:

        hi,bob i signed with ecc paid no money they want £5995,changed mind told them it was unaffordable to me they seemed fine asked me to put it in an email then 3 days later got a crappy email reminding me of the legally binding agreement,i have not been in contact since but have 4 missed calls and 2 voicemails the second of which is not so much a demand for money but was word more like “it would be a pity if you missed out on this opportunity”….seems more like an invitation than a threat ?,also offered me a reduced fee of £3995 but not with a 70/30 split no know a 60/40 split ?i will wait for a few more calls and see what transpires !

    • Derek says:

      Hi Josh
      Just don’t get involved with these people. .
      Don’t hand any money over.
      Relinquish you’re time share if you want out
      It’s the only way derek.

  27. Brenda says:

    Am still trying to get my paperwork back and finally got through to someone on the number on the website. Apparently they send all papers directly to Spain which we were unaware of and the lady on the reception desk that answered the phone in Spain (0800 058 8503) said she would try and locate our papers and phone me back. This is the first time that this has ever been mentioned and will not let is go.

  28. Brenda says:

    We attended a meeting with this company after being regularly being pestered by a lady called Rachel.

    We also signed paperwork which was not very professional and difficult to understand. They wanted £5700 to get us out of our contract with Macdonalds. Did not receive a reply to how many successful cases they have had but virtually pushed us out of the door after we signed the papers. Was concerned so sent them a recorded delivery letter cancelling and asking for the return of our papers. They have received our letter and signed for this but no papers. The lady from Slough phoned yesterday and stated we cannot cancel although she will speak with her legal team. Glad some people have their paperwork back and will have to put pressure on them.

    • Jean says:

      I feel that we all have a huge problem on our hands. Maybe we need to go to the TV and get some help. Surely if we all just pack in paying maintanance fees they would never be able to take us all to court. Would they ????

      • Derek says:

        Hi Jean
        Do hope you didn’t pay the money. .
        Did you give them your certificate. .?
        You will not get it back. ..
        Please go to your time share people
        Relinquish you’re time share with them
        This I have done with the AnfI group
        It costs nothing.

      • Brenda says:

        I think this organisation do not care about us owners at all.

    • Jim says:

      We have been through exactly the same experience. did you get your deeds returned.?
      We have sent a recoded delivery and E mail asking for the deeds to be returned.

      • Brenda says:

        After a lot of telephoning (sometimes these were to Spain) spoke with a very nice lad on the phones and he was going to chase them up. We eventually received them back by recorded delivery from Spain.

        Hope the lad did not lose his job over this but just keep pestering them. We actually went up to the office in Dartford where we were con*** but they were closed.

  29. Bob says:

    Went to a meeting in Manchester yesterday, during which my wife noticed a Webcam, behind the guy giving get us the pitch, pointing at us, folowed a similar path to previous comments and wanted £6392, for legal fees, stating I had a £20.000 claim, and the fees are normally part of the award, and the Finance gets quashed, has anyone else had any success with getting out of these Timeshares

  30. James says:

    After seeing the advertisement on UK ITV we went to a meeting in Birmingham, checked out the UK company ECC was registered at companies House, we paid up to release our membership and gain compensation for mis-selling Fractional Points ownership, then all our documents were actually “Notarized” by a bonafide UK public notary, “Apositillised” by the UK government then sent to Spain for processing there. so far so good??
    After much detailed submission of all stages of our membership and finances with CLC we are advised a lawyer is now preparing our case for court. If advertising in UK is properly vetted by Trading Standards Authority, we should NOT be at risk, or should we prepare some case against TSA too? I will update this site if any good progress does occur.

    • Hannah says:

      Hello James

      We have fractional ownership with CLC and attended a meeting in Northampton with ECC stating we should be be able to receive back approx £27000 in claims they have asked for a 60% 40% split with us paying £4990 up front.
      Many thanks

    • Bob says:

      Hello James

      Have fractional ownership with CLC and attended a meeting in York with ECC, they advised that we had a claim for mis-selling as fractionals have been deemed illegal by Spanish supreme court. ECC said they would follow a course of action as you have described, have you had any success yet.

    • sam says:

      Hi James
      I paid £8000 last November and have done exactly the same as you, I have even called my Spanish solicitor A1 leagal team in Malaga and they say these things take time, I am however starting to panic now as I have to make the repayments for my loan each month and still cover the CLC world shawbrook loan. they said this should stop when my case is presented at court!! have you had any more feed back? I sent quite a strong email 2 weeks ago and had no response, I don’t even know where to go from here. they said I should receive about £15000 back with in the year

  31. Colin says:

    Colin we went to a meeting to get our money back from our time share to day they wanted 8ooo up front for fees have signed forms but have not paid any money yet company name is European claims center

    • James says:

      We have just done the same at some old stable block conversion in chesterfield. they wanted £6660 off us to get out of Anfi.

      • PAUL says:


        I’ve attended a consultation today at a Dartford Office with someone representing The European Claims Chamber, which maybe the same/similar.
        I’d originally contacted The Time Share Advice Centre, as I want to exit my Diamond Resorts scheme. From the information I gave them they said I’d not only be able to exit the scheme, but also be due a claim, in light of The Supreme Court Ruling, see this link:
        At The European Claims Chamber consultation today I was told I had a claim worth £38,800, but I’d need to pay £7800 up front for legal costs and an affidavit, which I’d allegedly get back. For some reason I had alarm bells going off, so I didn’t part with any money or documents, in fact they didn’t even check who I said I was, even though I was asked to bring proof of ID, passport and current utility bill. On returning home I’ve been trying to find out if they’re legit or not, with no success so far. No FCA of Government Company Registration. Having spoken to Trading Standards, they put me onto Citizens Advice who gave me TATOC’s (The Timeshare Association for Timeshare Owners & Committees) contact number. I’ll be onto them tomorrow to see if/how I can exit my scheme, any compensation being a bonus. Hope this is of help, bottom line if you’ve been miss sold a timeshare be doubly sure you don’t get stung again trying to leave or sell

  32. Trish says:

    We are in the same position as Jack. We signed, have not paid any money as within two hours of leaving office, we cancelled in writing. So very concerned and worried it is making us ill. Hope Jack posts how he gets on and if he has been able to cancel.

    • Donna says:

      We have done same today , only did the homework after signing and leaving our documents , thankfully not paid! Did you get your documents back?

  33. Dave says:

    We went to chesterfield. Signed all the paperwork whilst there and were asked for £6000 for court fees. We were going to send them money until we read your comments. We were asked to leave all our certificates, receipts etc with them, which we did. Think we’ve made a big mistake?

    • anonymous says:

      What ever you do don’t hand over any money. They are ITRA – same director!!!

      Unfortunately didn’t do my homework until i came back but thank god i did !!

      We did exactly the same, left all our paperwork with them, signed the contract but did not hand over any money. They claimed that we had breached our contract and could not change our mind. Was worried sick as they had my paperwork which we needed.
      Sent them a very stern email stating i was seeking legal advice with regard to them holding on to our property and holding us to ransom !!!!
      My paperwork arrived a few days later.

      These are timeshare release sharks.

      • Karen says:

        HI – we went to ECC on Monday and signed a Client Service Contract but on returning home and after reading various reviews have decided not to go ahead with the contract . Haven’t handed any money over and have called this morning to cancel but they are insisting contract legal – how long did it take to get your paperwork back and how did you term your email?

      • Amy says:

        Hi , to be honest I put all my concerns that I had read over the internet and asked them directly about them ….. they didn’t reply so I sent an email threatening legal action if I didn’t receive my paperwork back as they were holding me to ransom with my documents . At this point they didn’t have copies of our passports so they couldn’t verify our identities legally. Don’t hand over a penny !!!!!
        They have recently been in touch apologising for the previous customer service behaviour and are wanting us to carry on with them. They claim they have 100% success rate and have won cases with club la Costa !!! My response is prove it !!!!!
        With regard to the legal contract you signed !!!! My advise is that it’s worth nothing !! Ironically they have never chased me about this contract …….. it’s worth nothing without the money
        Good luck getting your documents back ….. persevere and you will get them, they legally can’t keep them

      • Donna says:

        We are still awaiting our documents to be returned, ECC are just ignoring us …I will keep on at them and reading above will contact TATOC

      • Derek says:

        I did very much the same. .with the same results. .
        If you are with the anfi group. .you can relinquish your contract with no cost at all. ..
        It’s the only way forward. …all the best Derek.

  34. Helen says:

    Has anyone heard of the “consumer claims”? Are they best avoided as well!?

  35. Sandra says:

    Have been asked for an upfront fee of five thousand pounds not paid. But worried as they are now classed as european claims centre

  36. Peter says:

    Hi but do they get out you paying years you owe on the time share mine is forty odd years.
    They need five k help….

  37. steve says:

    who are theses companies what are the laws on timeshare in spain I’m so confused with it all and i don’t won’t its

  38. kevin says:

    Been having calls from timeshare release, all sounds good except you have to go to their office and they wont tell you what it would cost to get out of the contract untill they see you.Think i will pay the solicitor the £700 to get rid of this timeshare once and for all the legal way ( ref compo lol state of Spain’s economy you have no chance and prob same people who sold you it now on the claim game )

    • kevin says:

      The £700 is the cost of a uk solicitor they suggest i use in my location! its the only way to GET OUT OF the fee’s being passed onto my children! we signed in 1996 when wimpen was uk house builder WIMPEY we have only used the timeshare approx 5 times and the fee’s now exceed £400 a year so its got to go.Make you laugh when you think back to Esther on tv saying what a *** timeshare was just when we came back from signing.

      • Jim says:

        Hi Kevin, who is the ‘they’ who suggested the U.K. Solicitor? Have you managed to ditch the timeshare yet ?

  39. Mark says:

    Went to a meeting today, having been lured in by the telesales team who promised it was no-win, no-fee claim. The slimy sales guy then told me I was mistaken, persisted in shouting me down and had to get his boss in to back up their lies. He told me that it would be no trouble to get a recording of the call, but this has not been forthcoming. These guys are sharks and not that good at it either, stay away.

  40. David says:

    Just had a call from Sherlock Marketing wanting me to register in person in Spain before the end of September to be one of 30,000 then they will go to the Spanish courts and get a lawsuit against the timeshare industry, this is on a no win no fee basis, but if they win its 60/40% split. Does this sound familiar to anybody else?

  41. CT says:

    I have received e-mails from a Resolved Claims Ltd., Phone No. 01908 303655. Needless to say I have ignored these e-mails.

  42. Mickey says:

    What is the Timeshare Consumers Association doing being associated with theses guys?

  43. Dave says:

    Roger same company and from a link on the above website they are now working with Canarian Legal Alliance CLA

  44. ROGER says:

    Do you have any information, good or bad, about a company called “Timeshare Release”Any information would be very welcome Regards Roger

    • R B says:

      Yes – they are a bogus Company – wanting money up front -shisters all of them. Do not get involved.

      • Jack says:

        Hi we went to a meeting with ECC signed the papers as they said they can get our money back we paid and get it cancelled. But the want £8k upfront for court fees. But these are claimed back? It all sounds a bit too good to be true. We have signed but not paid yet.

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