Sky Breaks, the UK Flybuy Company from the Spanish Easy Consulting group.

Captura de pantalla 2015-04-29 a la(s) 17.01.38

Sky Breaks is not an unknown company, and has been around for some time now. They do discounted holiday accommodation for Timeshare owners.

Recently they seem to be very active on the cold calling and we have also heard from those timeshare owners who were called, that the agent on the phone mentioned the offer was made to them due to “having paid their maintenance fees”.

Now this of course creates the understanding that Sky breaks is in direct contact with the home resort of the timeshare owner, and the resort even shares information with them. This is not true though!

After the initial explanations the agent from Sky breaks comes up with the offer for several UK Breaks or Holiday accommodation in and around Europe.

Most timeshare owners know perfectly well that these kind of offers have an obligation attached to attend a presentation, but not always is this made clear or explained properly in the call from the agent of Sky Breaks.

It is only once a consumer has paid for the package when he receives a full confirmation with the complete terms and conditions of the booking.

In the terms and conditions it also becomes clear that Sky Breaks is part of Easy Consulting.

This company based in Spain is the main company of a group of so-called Fly buy generators.

You can read all the articles related to Easy consulting on the following link

Coming back to Sky breaks, their contact details as displayed on the web are:

Telephone: 0800 950 6142


POST: Sky Breaks, Unit 36, 88-90 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8PG

On the website they do publish their Terms and Conditions and in Clause nº 19 there is the mention about the obligation to attend a presentation during the stay.

Obviously these terms and conditions are not read by the customer whilst on the phone to Sky Breaks, so it should be the agent who informs the customer of these terms in full PRIOR to payment.

Between the cold call, the mention about the resort as if Sky Breaks has anything to do with the home resort, and the lack of explanation on the terms and conditions prior to the payment of the offer, we certainly recommend consumers to be cautious.

Always make sure you have all covered before going for an offer like this and if they mention for example your resort or exchange company, well, contact them and verify such statements.

If you have been speaking to Sky Breaks about a promotional offer on holiday accommodation, then please let us know.

You can email us at or place a comment on this blog

About mindtimeshare

Mindtimeshare SLU is registered Company reg number: B35957182 Mindtimeshare provides assistance to timeshare owners who have been defrauded by holiday clubs and bogus resale companies. The Mindtimeshare project was launched in February 2011. After dealing with timeshare members over several years who had been defrauded by numerous bogus companies and for large amounts of money, I considered launching an Organisation to help timeshare owners that have been targeted by bogus companies. On this blog you can find information about the different active scam companies and their “modus operandi” and also place comments, ask questions and see comments from other consumers who have the same doubts or have been through the same experience. Mindtimeshare has resulted in a huge success and has received the back up from not only timeshare consumers but also from the professionals in the timeshare Industry. Mindtimeshare helps timeshare owners who have been scammed by bogus Discount Holiday Clubs; bogus cash back companies; fraudulent timeshare resale companies; bogus class action companies and false lawyers and notaries. We offer professional answers and advice to Timeshare users. If you want to send an email instead of posting a comment on the blog please do so by emailing:
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19 Responses to Sky Breaks, the UK Flybuy Company from the Spanish Easy Consulting group.

  1. pete says:

    We had a cold call in June 2015 from Sky Breaks who offered us 6 individual weeks holiday for £716.68. Upon answering the usual questions and informing them that we are not part of any timeshare we were advised that we were accepted.
    When we tried to book a week in Tenerife we were advised that we did not fit any of the resorts criteria, but we could upgrade to an all inclusive deal for an additional cost. We did not accept and explained that our details had not changed since they accepted our personal details.
    We have tried to get our money refunded but all they offer is another deal at an increased cost.
    Do not have any dealings with this company.

  2. Jon says:

    OK everyone, just back from my holiday and as promised here is the full story. Now I knew exactly which resort I wanted so I knew what to expect and the apartment was fine, I would say 2/5 but it was the location I was keen on so I was happy with that, I would normally pay around £300- £350 for an apartment like this and I paid £99. Sky Breaks act as a Marketing company and find you the digs,not only do they get the £99 they charge you but the company behind the presentation also have to pay them around £650 according to the bloke who we saw. There was an airport transfer thrown in too although they said this was a taxi but it turned out to be a massive coach full and we sat at the airport on the bus for 45 mins and in the end a 20 min taxi ride ended up taking us 1hr 20 on a bus, taxi next time!
    As stated 9.30 next morning came the knock on the door about the presentation which they had booked in for us at 10am the next day which suited us.
    10 am the next day we were picked up and taken 10 mins up the road to another hotel where we had a nice breakfast on them and a natter. You are with the same bloke throughout, trying to build a relationship as they say. 11.15 the office opened and in we went. Exactly the same as a timeshare presentation from the 1980’s, office manager walking around chipping in and 6 or so sale people trying to sell the product. Suit were out of the 80’s too and every single sale person was an ex timeshare salesman, I recognised 3 of the instantly.
    This presentation was by the EZE Group NOT EASY as I have read elsewhere in this blog. It is a lifestyle discount offer, cheaper than you can get flights and accommodation as well as discounts on white goods and lots more. They make a big thing about it being regulated in the UK and a legit business, I make no comment on that.
    Not for us and eventually at 2.30 we left, the salesman justifying to the Manager why we wouldn’t be buying. So not 90 mins but 4 and a 1/2 hours but we suspected as much and rolled with it from the beginning.
    We walked back by choice in 20 mins and were not bothered again.
    So in summary and specifically not commenting on the offer it was exactly what I expected. If you are prepared to play the game and go to the presentation etc. you can get a cheap holiday. The sales pitch goes on for ever and isn’t without some building of pressure but if you go along knowing this you are prepared. Not every presentation will be by the EZE group so my experience might be different to others but there will be a sales pitch in there….that’s the price for a cheap holiday.

  3. Michael says:

    Promised no problem finding us a holiday but waste of time in peak season. Tried to get a refund and told didn’t meet the criteria so lost over £400.

  4. Abi says:

    I have had the call, paid the money.
    Went on holiday, attended a no obligation meeting in which the rep was pleasant and friendly. Had a great holiday. I would recommend this to anyone. Fab discounted holiday!

  5. Jon says:

    OK all, I read your notes and have decided to still give this a go. The rep I have just spoken to has done me a 1 year deal on a specific resort that I wanted in Tenerife on the dates I wanted too. I normally pay £350 for a week at this resort and I have just handed over £118 for the same week, lets see! I have paid on credit card so I can recover the funds if its a scam. I had a timeshare from 1985 to 2012 so I know all about the scams etc. and yes, I have not been told about an obligation to attend a presentation yet either although I do like walking out of them smiling to myself having used an excuse that I think up on the spot. I am with Kerry on this.

    • Jon says:

      OK all, further update for you on my holiday plans. It turns out that basically Sky Breaks sell discounted holidays on behalf of others and on this occasion it is Dreamland Breaks. I go in 12 days and today I got a call from Dreamland Breaks confirming my apartment number and how to get my key. it turns out the agent on Tenerife also meets me with a complementary taxi to the resort which usually costs me around 28 euros, this is return as well so another good saving for me. They will book me on the 1/2 day presentation that we all know about and is why we are going on a cheap holiday right?
      Got all the contact details now then and looking forward to a good cheap holiday. I will let you know how it goes!

  6. Received a call from Sky Breaks attempting to have me take up their offer of three weeks holiday accommodation at £99 per week or all for £344 (I guess maths is not a strong point). When asked how they obtained my details I was informed they have recently taken over a number of other fly buy outfits and are ringing everyone connected with those operations as many clients had not taken up their Holiday allocation. Hardly surprising as most if not all will have certainly been misled to some degree or totally scammed. The pitch is still the same about using spare capacity at various locations including Interval International and RCI resorts. Perhaps the only difference being they are more up front now about attending a local in house presentation on arrival, although the agent (Laura Jones) stated it was only to discuss local amenities and not a hard sell to acquire a Timeshare or join a Holiday Club. Whether that is true or not I have no idea. Having fortunately recovered my money from the original offer as it was sold under false pretence by Resorts Direct claiming to be RCI, it’s extremely unlikely I will be taking this one up also. How I get them to stop endlessly cold calling me is another thing entirely as when repeatedly asking to be removed from their database they just ignore my requests. Next step is taking it up with the Communications ombudsman, perhaps that may work.

  7. Kerry says:

    I received a call from Skybreaks who offered us 3 weeks of accommodation for just over £300. We have never owned timeshare before so I am unsure where they got my details. I was told upfront on the phone that we would be required to attend a presentation but it was stressed to me that we would be under no obligation to sign up to anything. We decided to take the risk…..
    We have just returned (2 days ago) from out first week in Spain. The presentation (which we organised for the first morning of our holiday by emailing ahead to the resort) lasted 1.5 hours including lunch. Maybe we were lucky, but there was no hard sell and when we said we could not afford what was on offer, the sales rep admitted defeat! No one bothered us the rest of the week and we had a great time! Looking forward to the next holiday!

  8. Delia says:

    Yes very worried now as I have passed my credit card details over to them before realising there was a sales presentation, which we certainly don’t want and before reading this blog. I haven’t given them the go ahead yet so I’m hoping to cancel the credit card transaction.

  9. Andy says:

    I finally answered a call from Sky Breaks after they have called my number consistently 3 times a day for the last week! They told me I had accrued £941 of a 10% donation taken out of my annual maintenance fees which can be put towards two weeks of ‘free’ UK & European accommodation.

    I regrettably got sucked into ‘Narrowboat’ exchange timeshare through RCI about 10 years ago, within 3 months clocked that I had to write off my £4,000 and received about £300 to buy them back about 3 years later!

    Anyway, luckily I googled Sky Breaks as they guy was giving me his sales pitch so I played him like a fiddle, asked him if they were affiliated to anybody, “No we are an Independent Travel Business!”, then asked him to explain to me what part of my ‘free’ holiday applies to clause 19 of his T&C’s? He took a while to open it and find the clause, then embarrassingly asked me if I had spoken to his company before? Lol, I declared I would NEVER attend another holiday presentation and that this would then breach the T&C’s that he was suggesting I sign up to and make me liable for the entire stay. He tried to send me to the wristband website that describes the ‘upgrade’ option to the full board inclusive option which means you are paying to stay in an over-crowded and probably tired and busy resort that would not allow you to relax during your holiday anyway!

    In the end I declined to proceed with his offer and suggested he read his T&C’s before he picks up the phone to his next victim!

  10. Maureen says:

    I have also been cold called with a similar sales pitch for £228 for two weeks together with 2 Europe city breaks which will cost £70 per person per trip, which is airport tax. I was told that I would. Be asked to attend a 1 hour welcome meeting with no obligation to buy the offers made which was likely to be excursions. I have paid the £228 , what advice can anyone offer regarding how genuine this offer will turn out to be?

  11. E says:

    just had a phone call from Sky Breaks offering me two weeks accommodation that can be taken over the next 3 years at a cost of £340. When hubby said no the dropped it To 200 he paid the money, I was cross so thought I would look what I could find you got it I found this site he has now told them to forget it and now ringing the bank to cancel the payment. Thing is hubby has MS and dose not always think strait.

  12. jw says:

    i was contacted by the company stating I had accrued £1200 to spend on 2 week accommodation due to paying maintenance on my old timeshare. I had 2 years to use it. They wanted £344.00. I asked for something to prove they were genuine and they sent me an email, however I could not open the link, It was just a white screen.

    • Hi jw,
      How is that Sky Breaks knew about your timeshare? How is that Sky Breaks knew about your contact details?
      Would not Sky Breaks be outwith the Data Protection Law?
      Did you know that in case you accept their offer you would have to assist (obligated) to a sales presentation?
      Did you know that what it is offered in that presentation is an affiliation to a Discount Travel Membership Club?

      Did you know that Sky Breaks is the latest brand (one more) of Easy Consulting SL?
      Did you know that previous Easy Consulting’s brand were: Direct Resort Promotions, Direct Resorts International, The Gift Company, Resort Direct, The Ultimate Holiday, Bonus Weeks Breaks, Anu Points Club, Extra Time Online, Sponsored Weeks, …. etc etc?

      Customer Care

  13. anne says:

    just had a phone call from Sky Breaks offering me two weeks accommodation that can be taken over the next 2 years at a cost of £340

    • j50 says:

      I have had a call offering a week for four people in a two bedroom apartment in Tenerife for £399.00 if I booked the same day. I haven’t booked as I wanted to check them out first, has anyone else used this company?

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